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Azerbaijan May Also Face "Turkish Summer", Ruben Safrastyan Thinks

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  • Azerbaijan May Also Face "Turkish Summer", Ruben Safrastyan Thinks


    Mediamax, Armenia
    July 3 2013

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. Director of International Secretariat of ARF
    Bureau Kiro Manoyan said that the social uprising around Gezi garden
    in Istanbul may turn into the "start of downfall" of Turkish Prime
    Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

    Kiro Manoyan said this today speaking at open social discussion on
    "Turkish Summer and Its Outcomes in the Region", held in the Caucasus
    Institute, Mediamax reports.

    ""Turkish Summer" differs from "Arab Spring". There isn't the big wave
    of social rebel as in the Arab countries. But what started in Istanbul
    showed the discontent over Erdogan's actions. If Erdogan goes on this
    way, it may become the start of his downfall", noted Kiro Manoyan.

    According to Manoyan, the Turkish PM managed to prevent the Kurdish
    circles from the wave of the uprising and a reconciliation process
    with them is underway. However, according to Kiro Manoyan, Turkish
    influence in Syrian issue reduced.

    "The developments also unveiled that Turkey is a authoritarian state.

    It's a good reason for the countries which are against Turkey's
    joining the EU. Now those countries can state that Turkey should pay
    more attention to respecting fundamental human rights and freedoms",
    noted Kiro Manoyan.

    In his turn, Director of Institute of Oriental Studies of National
    Academy of Sciences Ruben Safrastyan noted that "the Turkish Summer"
    revealed the discords in ideas of the current authorities and younger
    generation concerning formation of "New Turkey".

    According to the Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies,
    Erdogan's government learnt a lesson seeing that there is a group in
    the Turkish society which isn't afraid to rebel against the power.

    According to Ruben Safrastyan, the Turkish developments may have an
    impact on Azerbaijan as well where presidential elections are going
    to be held this October.

    "I don't rule out that there may be mass disorders in Azerbaijan in
    this period", noted Ruben Safrastyan.
