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Armenian Question is more difficult than Kurdish Question

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  • Armenian Question is more difficult than Kurdish Question

    Armenian Question is more difficult than Kurdish Question
    Interview with Vedat Yildirim

    Vedat Yildirim

    One of the establishers of Kardes Türküler music group

    We were talking with Vedat Yıldırım, one of the establishers and the
    soloist of Kardes Türküler which gives out a sound to songs in all
    languages of Turkey since 90's when it was a taboo to express yourself
    with different identities. He talks about taboos of Turkey, whom start
    to live as defeated, the adventure of being the first music group
    which sings in Armenian without being Armenian, his friendship with
    Hrant Dink and the point where we are now after 6 years from the day
    he's gone. Yıldırım, who intitles KardesTürküler as a `Rehabilitation
    Project', believes that discriminatory language which is dominated in
    Turkey, could be broken with the solidarity of suffered segments of
    the society.

    There is a sentence that you said in several places: `There are some
    people in Turkey who start their lives as going down in defeat. Songs
    of Kardes Türküler give confidence and trust to those suffered
    segments of society'. Could we regard those who were born in the
    center of taboo questions of Turkey as `those who start their lives as
    going down in defeat'?

    In our last album, there is a song called `1-0'. Its composer is Arto
    Tunçboyacıyan. I wrote the lyrics. It is about a peddler boy and his
    effort to clutch on the life in the big city. With the big migration
    wave, lots of people found themselves in the center of the city. It is
    life which they do not get accustomed to. This defeat with the score
    of ` 1-0', sometimes could be `3-0', it could increase. For example,
    for a Kurdish person, the identity problem is a field of challange. On
    one side, there are so many economical-financial problems. If you are
    an Armenian, this score could be 2-0, because at that point, religious
    discrimination and genocide question come into play. Armenian
    question is more difficult than the Kurdish one. For example, some
    conservative expressions such as `We are from the same religious
    community' `We love due to the the Creator' could be used in order to
    convince people about the Kurdish problem.

    As per this expression, there is no pretence to love Armenians¦

    This expression fan the flames of Turkish-Islamic synthesis approach.
    Thus, those `zeros' could increase. For example for Gypsies or Alewi
    people. Once upon a time, the situation of women with turban was
    similar in universities. Those discrimination issues are always
    problems in Turkey.

    When did you start to explore those problems?

    Obviously, I did not know those when we started Kardes Türküler
    Project in the university. Official history ` that I call violated
    history-, some expressions and red lines created by the state prevent
    society from knowing something. Kardes Türküler is a Project which
    tries to reveal the visibility of different languages and cultures in
    terms of music. Unavoidably, we started to research those societies,
    communities and who are their members in Turkey. Since BoÄ?aziçi is a
    University that was diverted from Robert College, it is some more
    comfortable. There were Armenian records in our library, may be there
    is no other records in any other universities. We found in the library
    when we said and thought `How could we Access to those musics?' then
    our relationships with Armenian community increased. One day, when we
    were working in the university, one of our friend passing through
    there stopped and said `this is our language,do you make music in

    You did not know Armenian language, did you? How did you sing?

    At first, we imitated. On the other hand, there are some pursuit to
    `Find Anyone'. That Armenian friend helped us then Armenians here
    supported us, either Agos Newspaper, pr Aras Publishing helped us so
    much. We have som any good friends of us there. There is a Mekhitarian
    Association where we gave a concert. There are also Armenians from
    Istanbul there and other Armenians who migrate from other cities such
    as Diyarbakır, they also know speaking Kurdish.

    Did you meet Hrant Dink at that period?

    We met each othe in Mıhitaryan concert. I guess it was 1995. Rakel
    song a flok song in Kurdish and Armenian there. We sang songs in
    Turkish, Kurdish, Armenian, Circassian and Azerbaijanese in that
    concert.At that time, there was Armenia ` Aerbaijan war. It was a
    protestation, an opposition to the effort of pitting nationalities
    against others. We thought if a song in Azrbaijanese shall pose a
    problem, but they knew the song we sang. Those are difficult
    questions. Now it is more difficult to sing a song in Azerbaijani in

    How reactions do you get in different places?

    Kardes Türküler is such a Project¦ It is a rehabilitation Project. How
    rehabilitation is it? Once, we went to Samsun for a concert. Think
    about it, we sang Armenian folk songs in Samsun in early 90s. Left
    wingers who called us, thus we did not get any negative reactions from
    them but there were police officers in the concert hall. We sang in
    Kurdish and they asked "what is happening?". Then we sang Middle East
    songs, belly dance musics, then we saw that those police officers
    started to dance. We try to make a fair musical presentation. We try
    to give all'musical colours in Turkey without any discrimination, Thus
    they could not say anything. War questions are something different.
    The person whose child died in a war, unavoidably prejudges. Supposing
    that a mother of father, who came to our concert in Armenia, lost
    their child in a war. HE or she will have a reaction unavoidably when
    you sing in Azerbaijanese. But, when she or he listens the whole
    concert, that reaction shall remove. Because they see, those people
    have different words to say...

    I guess, our first album had not been released in Mekhitarian concert.
    How was your sharing with Hrant Dink at that period? Did he make
    suggestions to you? I guess you went to Ani together.

    Hrant has a spell, it is a metaphysical case. Those people are like
    that, Che Guevera, Deniz Geçmis, Musa Anter are suchlike. Those are
    people who establish very well relationships between political life
    and daily life. Their language and style is modest, they serve their
    hearts. Our friendship was developped after that concert. We startd
    to be together with Agos and its society. We went to Ani with the
    occasion of Caucasian Festival in Kars. Of course we had sharing of
    ideas. It was his will on us to go to Armenia. He said; `One day, we
    went there and Kardes Türküler shall be on the stage with Sayat Nova'.
    And he knew Anatolian Armenians. In our first repertories, Armenian
    songs were mostly from Armenian songs which were sung in Armenia or
    Istanbul. There were rarely Anatolian Armenian songs.

    Kurdish language could find itself a place even if it was forbidde at
    those times. But, Armenian was sung by a group which is not Armenian,
    may be the first time.

    Probably it was. It could be Kardes Türküler which is the fist group
    that is not Armenian and sings in Armenian. It is the same for Syriac.
    When Kardes Türküler develops its repertory, it tries to represent
    those forms, musics that were marginalized rather than in an approach
    of `Let's find a good song' within a cultural scope. For example,
    doudouk (`duduk') is very famous now in Turkey. I guess we are one of
    those firsts which use those tones.

    And we asked ourselves : `They suffered so much, but are there only
    songs of sorrow, migration or massacre? Where are those songs of happy
    memories? We worked over Armenian folk dance songs like Hayninari
    and Es kisher hampartzum e.

    We do not deal with those musics as only nostalgic elements, we try to
    update them beyond saying `Past was nice'. We say exactly `Those
    musics must go on'.

    Do your albums cause such an awakening `How societies, communities,
    how musics lived here' in people who listen to your music? Do you get
    feedbacks such as `I did not know, I heard those firstly'?

    Of course. We sang a Yezidi (Ezidi) psalm in the last album. They said
    `Wow, there is something like that'. Onnik Gulciyan, from Diyarbakır
    Armenians has a psalm called `Amen', when we sing it, they are always
    surprised, there is a religious music with tone there.

    How do you see the today of Turkey when you think about those times
    when Kardes Türküler was released first? Where we at in the taboo

    We are at a very different point in Kurdish question. The gin is
    already out of the bottle. Everybody is aware of what is happening and
    that this question must be handled and solved in any way, because
    Kurdish people do not give up. They could not be convinced with little
    things such as TRT Ses. There are three cases that we could think in
    the same context in Alevi, Kurdsh and Armenian questions: the murder
    of Hrant Dink, Madımak and Uludere. Actually, those three cases look
    alike each other so much. They are symbol cases which injures the
    sense of the public. There is a very systematic case here. It is hard
    to say that those questions are tried to be solved from the basis.
    Supposing that the shadow government made those. Now, there is a new
    power, new rulership. We wish at least they deal with the security
    part of it. The resolution of this problem/question is about the
    breaking point of the approach / point of view belong to Turkish `
    Islamic synthesis. If there shall be a relief in Kurdish question, it
    shall effect other fields and relieve them. Thus, all societies and
    communities must be in solidarity. It is required to stand by whom is
    sufferer and we try to do this now.

    You performed a concert in Armenia in 2008 by realizing the dream of
    Hrant Dink. Could you please mentioned how this happened?

    It was the will of Hrantç We went with a very crowded team. I could
    say that we were 100 people in total with the chorus of Sayat Nova. It
    is nor an easy thing that such number of persons went to anywhere
    together. Some sponsors and supports were found. We performed in Opera
    Hall in Erivan. We went to city of Vanadzor, there was a real public
    concert there, it was so nice. Concerts were full, we made
    conversations, interviews and communicated with Armenian culture and
    art places, centers. We went to a Yezidi/Ezidi village, we made some
    records with dengbej (Kurdish-Armenian folk musicians) and we turned
    those records into some documentary films.

    Is there any idea to go to Armenia again? There was not such an
    opportunity you caught again, was there?

    No, there wasn't. This is totally economical problem. The team is
    crowded. LAstly, we made an album with Arto Tunçboyacıyan, as you
    know. We have an idea to go together but it could not be realized
    because of economical and financial reasons. Armenia is not a wealthy
    country. Plane tickets are so expensive. The border is closed. You
    remember, we took a photo with Hrant in Ani. The opposing side is
    Armenia, there is Arpaçay in the middle of Armenia and Turkey. He said
    that `Erivan is 30-40 km far from here. An I will board on a plane and
    go to Istanbul from Kars, then I will go to Armenia.' This is such a
    case! Kars is a death city, despite the fact that it is very beatiful,
    it is death because the border is closed.

    Now, I dream of you as performing a concert in the border or in Ani ruins¦.

    Actually, there was a Project like that, you know? It could not be
    realized, we could not be performed. May be in 2015, it should be

    May be it shall not be possible to perform at the border. But think
    about it, you are in the Turkish side of the border and another group
    from Armenia performs in the Armenian side¦ Because, in Ani, voices of
    villagers who work in the other side could be heard in Ani.

    Of course it is heard. How nice it shall be. May be we could do such a
    symbolic thing. Of course this is due to so many things such as the
    condition of the country and Turkey-Armenia relationships. When we
    look at the current situation, after Presidents visited each other,
    Turkey deadlocked the subject to KarabaÄ?. In fact, questions of
    KarabaÄ? and Cyprus are similar. We have also such a problem. So what?
    If they shall link this subject to this obvious fact, this won't get
    you anywhere.

    We mentioned that you sing in Chechen, Azerbaijanese. Chechens or
    Caucasian groups are known as more nationalist. How were their
    reactions to your studies? Does it ensures them to be startled when
    they heard Armenian or Kurdish, since you sing also in their language

    Of course. Sometimes, it throws you a curve. For example, Chechnia or
    Palestine Question becomes questions which are always possessed and
    adopted by conservative segment of Turkish society in Turkiye. What
    happens, people must wonder it. There is a cruelty and suppression in
    Chechnia and they have identities, they have a culture. We went to a
    place where they live in order them to teach us a Chechen song. We met
    with them. They also said that `They always staring at us like that?'.
    We do not give up from questioning that justice, the question of `IS
    it really that?' or throwing away all prejudgements. Every community
    has a tragedy and those tragedies are common.

    I guess Feryal Ã-net mentioned that there are ultranationalistic people
    who listen you and they say `Okey, we understand Kurdish but why do
    you sing in Armenian?'.

    Thus, Armenian question is much more difficult than Kurdish one.
    There, those `zeros' increase so much.

    Your stage performances includes different themes. I guess you had a
    stage performance which referred to 6-7 September. Is there any idea
    to make similar projects?

    Yes, we made it for the song called Tatavla. Tatavla is the old name
    of Kurtulus. We try to reflect what happened with an imaginative
    language, a performance of dance and music. We have a song called
    `yo-yo' regarding Palestinian question, we could say that a meeting of
    Gazze ` Cizre. It the fact that children who throw Stones there, are
    called as `hero' but they are called `terrorist' here. We aimed to
    break this two-facedness. We had a show of dance-music performance on
    that. And this year, we had a dance show with Çıplak Ayaklar

    Recently, we see you on TV more than ever. Even I remember that I said
    ` We have never seen Kardes Türküler on TV so much until today.

    Yes, sometimes we said `Is it armageddon?' (Laughing). It is a relief.
    An ambiance of peace is started to be generated. This have so many
    contribution. And the second factor is events and activities regarding
    our 20th anniversary.

    Once upon a time, there is no television channal which shall broadcast
    the video clip of Kardes Türküler.

    Yes. With Vizontele, this is started to be broken. But it always
    exists in Turkey. As we say `national' channel, yes actually they are
    really `national'. It is said that `If it shall broadcast a song in
    Kurdish, go and broadcadt that on TRT Ses.' To fear from common
    communal living spaces and to expect from everybody to live in their
    small communities. There is an upper culture and there are `baby
    cultures' under it. It is like `we give you a television, what do you
    want more?'. Actually it is also discrimination. I live in Ä°stanbul.
    They mention that there are nearly 9 million Kurdish people living in
    Istanbul. I could not protect my own culture by making communities.

    How reactions did you take in programs to which you particated?

    Generally, people were very happy for this meeting. People, who take
    the fact that communities/societies could live together as a goal for
    themselves, are always very happy.

    Then you did not take so many negative reactions?

    The web site of Kardes Türküler was hacked. When you are visible, such
    things could be happened. It is the same as the case of Hrant Dink.
    Someone says `How dare you?' Kardes Türküler is famous in a special
    area where people know them. But when you are broadcasted on TV, the
    number of your enemies increases. As I said before, this is a
    rehabilitation Project. I hope we shall broket hat discriminative
    langıage/approach all together. If God allows (Laughs) .

    With the TV program you participated in CNN Türk; Turkey firstly
    entered into the new year with songs in Kurdish, Armenian and other
    languages. Even, at 00.00, I guess you sang Armenian. How did this new
    year program develop?

    There are some pressures, okey, but actually, those red lines push us
    to make self-censor at one point. They avoid. Whenas there are so
    many people who want multiculturalism. They applaused not only the
    music of Kardes Türküler, but also the Picture of `We are such a
    country'. And thus, they felt very happy. This Picture is given in the
    new year may be first time and people loved it. Then, after that
    program, invitations came from other channels. Then you broke that
    self-censor. This is also about the `positive ambiance' of our country
    now. We could not know what it shall be tomorrow.

    It is said that how we enters into the new year, it will pass like
    that. Will Turkey go on positively in those problems since it entered
    into the new year with those songs?

    I feel hopeful. This won't get us anywhere. That tears it! But the
    roads of the peace are Stone and rocks. Of course there shall be
    someone who wants to throw a spanner in the works but it is better to
    be hopeful.
