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Serzh Sargsyan In `Grey Cardinal' Logic

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  • Serzh Sargsyan In `Grey Cardinal' Logic

    Serzh Sargsyan In `Grey Cardinal' Logic

    After the meeting of the RPA Executive Body opinions were heard that
    no one was reprimanded during the meeting, but the Republicans just
    discussed issues and decided their position in similar situations. It
    is almost the same as if Serzh Sargsyan reproved the others and said
    not to act independently any more. In other words, Serzh Sargsyan
    seems to have ensured control over each phrase and word of Republicans
    and representatives of the government.

    Serzh Sargsyan, unlike Robert Kocharyan, is not a lover of sharp steps
    and tough statements. In the independent Armenia, he has always had
    the role of the `grey cardinal' which does not suppose for sharp or
    tough way of action, at least in public.

    But in the position of the president, Serzh Sargsyan can't allow
    himself the methods of `grey cardinal'. The status of the president
    supposes for at least minimal public activities including expressing
    position on political processes within the government.

    The consultation in the president's office was determined by this
    necessity, with which Serzh Sargsyan aimed to show that he controls
    the situation, the actors and no one can ignore him.

    The Republican executive meeting is Serzh Sargsyan's `cardinal' sphere
    where he tries to solve everything without unnecessary rumor. The
    executive meeting can be considered a gathering of `equals', where
    Serzh Sargsyan should present the grounds of his public activities for
    everyone to see that he had all the grounds to treat Ishkhan Zakaryan
    as he did proceeding from systemic necessity without wanting to
    humiliate him.

    It is hard to say whether Republicans believed Serzh Sargsyan or not.
    Naturally, they will make no statement about the meeting. But such
    meetings will not lack because Serzh Sargsyan will always need shows
    determined by internal and external factors, which will arouse
    necessity to explain.

    Serzh Sargsyan fails to be the `first number' in his power. One of the
    reasons is the environmental complexes and the absence of internal
    harmony. Serzh Sargsyan seems to prefer the role of the `second
    number' not allowing his competitors to play their game.

    No accident the most common assessment to Serzh Sargsyan's power,
    which does not differ from Robert Kocharyan's in terms of quality, is
    the uncertainty and unpredictability, of which even Sargsyan's close
    people complain.

    This is the inevitable consequence of the fact that the person with de
    jure power, is still the de facto `grey cardinal' who is afraid of
    competitors and of the de factor power. When the de jure power does
    not try to set up a de factor power but is engaged in depriving their
    opponents of that possibility, the main characteristic of the
    situation becomes the uncertainty and unpredictability, which is more
    dangerous that the lowest-quality certainty.

    14:46 05/07/2013
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