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Expert on Azeri threats: no one cancelled Treaty of Gulistan

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  • Expert on Azeri threats: no one cancelled Treaty of Gulistan

    Expert on Azeri threats: no one cancelled Treaty of Gulistan

    July 4, 2013 - 20:26 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - A war in Karabakh would mean a loss of sovereignty
    for Baku in a short-term perspective, with a further fragmentation of
    the territory, an expert said.

    `Most probably, Baku is mulling an option of a war as a distracting
    and consolidating element ahead of presidential elections. However,
    one hopes for common sense to take the better of President Aliyev and
    that he, as a reasonable man, won't risk destruction of his country
    for tactical gain,' REX quoted Aleksey Martynov as saying.

    The expert further refuted the idea that Azerbaijan will be allowed to
    fight in Karabakh using Russia-supplied weapon.

    `Moscow may lay a claim for Baku, Ganja and Karabakh as Russian lands
    passed over by Persia 200 years ago under the Treaty of Gulistan. No
    one has cancelled the treaty yet. Maybe that will succeed in cooling
    off Baku hotheads who're spurring Azerbaijan towards a catastrophe,'
    the expert said.

    From: A. Papazian