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Heritage Statement On Kremlin's Recent Step

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  • Heritage Statement On Kremlin's Recent Step

    Heritage Statement On Kremlin's Recent Step

    The opposition Heritage party issued a statement condemning the sale
    of weapons to Azerbaijan by Russia. According to the party, Russia's
    step is incompatible with strategic partnership. On the other hand,
    that step, the party statement runs, has become possible thanks to the
    policy of the Armenian leadership.

    Heritage, affirming that Russia's selling of weapons to Azerbaijan and
    the pressure on Armenia through gas price increase may be aimed at
    creating obstacles for Armenia's Euro integration, demands from the
    Armenian authorities to respond to such pressure at official level and
    not to deviate from the Euro integration path signing in autumn 2013
    the Association agreement with EU.

    In case Russia continues its impermissible behavior, Armenia should
    revise the character of its relations with that country. If even one
    citizen of Armenia is killed by Smerch, the responsibility will fall
    on the country-supplier.

    Heritage statement continues saying that Armenia's future is in Europe
    and our country should not be led there by self-proclaimed power,
    which means that Europe too should respect its values, Armenia's
    sovereignty, national interest and Artsakh's freedom and integrity, as
    well as the right of Armenian people to choose.

    11:19 05/07/2013
    Story from News:
