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`I have no place in the world to go'

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  • `I have no place in the world to go'

    Washington Post
    July 4 2013

    `I have no place in the world to go'

    By Mikhail Sebastian, Thursday, July 4, 7:06 PM

    Mikhail Sebastian lives in Los Angeles.

    Edward Snowden's efforts to escape the transit zone of the Moscow
    airport have turned a spotlight on the issue of `statelessness.'
    Snowden, however, is not stateless. He has options, regardless of how
    unappealing he may find them. But thousands of people in the United
    States are stateless - and trapped. Congress should take steps to
    address this issue and ensure that what has happened to me never
    happens to anyone else.

    I am an ethnic Armenian. My parents are from Nagorno-Karabakh, the
    disputed territory in Azerbaijan. I was born in Azerbaijan in 1973,
    when it was part of the Soviet Union. My family was in Turkmenistan
    when the U.S.S.R. collapsed, and no one would give me citizenship.
    Because I am of Armenian descent, Azerbaijan said I wasn't an
    Azerbaijani. Armenia said that I hadn't adequately proved I belonged
    there. After more than three years of discrimination, harassment and
    fear, I was able to get a travel visa to the United States in 1995.
    But my petition for asylum was rejected in 1996, and I was ordered to
    leave the country.


    I prepared to go, but I was not able to get a new passport to travel.
    The Soviet Union, which had issued my passport, no longer existed, and
    no country recognized me as a citizen. Because I stayed beyond the
    deadline to leave, the United States processed a deportation order.
    Immigration officials detained me in August 2002 and tried for months
    to deport me. But U.S. officials couldn't find a country willing to
    accept me.

    I was released from detention in February 2003 and was ordered to
    report to the Department of Homeland Security every three months. I
    was issued a permit to work - and I have held jobs as a travel agent
    and a barista - but I have to reapply every year, a long, expensive
    process that requires taking time off and puts my job at risk. I have
    sought travel documents from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Britain, Japan,
    Russia, Switzerland, Turkmenistan and more than a dozen others. None
    has accepted me.

    I have no place in the world to go.

    In December 2011, after years of reporting to the U.S. government
    every few months, I took what I thought would be a short vacation to
    American Samoa. Even though I had checked with Immigrations and
    Customs Enforcement and my airline before departing, my four-day trip
    turned into a year-long trap. When I tried to fly home, my travel
    documents were rejected. For months, U.S. officials said that by
    traveling to the U.S. island territory I had self-deported. I was
    stuck in American Samoa with no legal ability to work and only the
    clothes I had packed. When I finally was able to return home this
    year, I no longer had a job. My apartment and most of my things were
    gone, and I had lost many friends.

    The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) estimates
    that more than 12 million people in the world are stateless. Without
    citizenship, no country protects us, and we cannot get travel
    documents. Stateless people in the United States cannot leave even if
    they want to. We are on hold, living in a dehumanizing space without
    status or opportunity.

    A provision in the immigration reform legislation that the Senate
    passed last month would give status to stateless people who are not
    legally recognized in the United States. But this measure could still
    be cut from the final compromise with the House.

    I consider myself lucky that after 15 months in American Samoa and
    advocacy from attorneys, friends and even the UNHCR, U.S. officials
    recognized the injustice of my situation and allowed me to return
    home. But I remain in legal limbo. I fear being thrown into
    immigration detention at any time, even though I have broken no laws.

    The United States is not a signatory to the 1954 U.N. Convention
    Relating to the Status of Stateless Persons or the 1961 U.N.
    Convention on the Reduction of Statelessness. It uses stop-gap
    measures to provide relief to vulnerable people like me. The United
    States ought to have a framework, as the European Union does, to
    address statelessness. Congress could allow people who have proved
    that they are stateless and meet certain criteria, such as not having
    a criminal record, to apply for a more secure legal status. This would
    permit people like me to live without fear of being arbitrarily

    The United States has always opened itself to the world's suffering
    and oppressed people. A country with such a tradition of justice ought
    to address this issue.
