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After dodging rockets on her track in Beirut, Lebanon's only woman a

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  • After dodging rockets on her track in Beirut, Lebanon's only woman a

    Indian Express, India
    July 5, 2013 Friday

    After dodging rockets on her track in Beirut, Lebanon's only woman
    athlete bags bronze

    Chinmay Brahme

    Greta Taslakian, still panting from the exertion of pushing her lungs
    to the limit, says running like this makes all the danger and
    disappointments that she has to contend with back home worth her
    while. The 27-year-old Lebanese is the bronze medal winner in the 400m
    event, a race she ran after a gap of eight years.

    Living in a country wrecked by civil war and sectarian unrest, the
    problems that Taslakian has had to contend with are of a rather grave
    nature. "Over the last decade, I have had rockets whistling over the
    track as I run laps. I have had to literally run with my heart in my
    mouth, dodging bullets and finding cover, just to get to my training
    venue back home in Beirut," she says. Taslakian is Lebanon's only
    woman representative at the Asian Athletics Championship and
    definitely its most fabled.

    Born to Lebanese-Armenian mixed parentage, Taslakian is her country's
    sole and among a select band of female athletes in the Middle-East to
    have represented her country in three successive editions of the
    Summer Olympics. She is also one of the top sprinters in the
    Middle-East with a silver medal in the 2011 Kobe edition of the Asian
    Championship and also three gold medals in the Pan Arab games.

    Taslakian cut her teeth in cross-country running and then graduated to
    sprinting events. After her bronze medal effort, Taslakian says,
    "After my heats where I was able to control my run mentally, I knew I
    had a chance in the finals. I ran the first 200 metres really well and
    I thought I was a gold medal contender. In the home stretch, I just
    lost a little bit of time but still a medal's a medal."

    Ask about other women athletes in Lebanon, and the smile on her
    sun-tanned face flickers for a brief instance. "Women in Lebanon have
    the talent but not the guts. You can't stop running just because
    someone tells you that your role as a woman is different. I have
    always faced opposition. I have been told to go home because I am not
    strong enough to be an athlete. I have done nothing more than push
    myself, and look where it has got me," she says. For Taslakian, more
    than societal pressures, it is the lack of finances that is holding
    back athletes from the Middle-East.

    "For the last 15 years, I have scrounged money just to finance my
    running. There are minimal facilities and professional sport is just
    not attractive enough in my country. At the Olympics, I have often
    felt that with a little more financial support, I could have made
    something of myself but then." she trails off.

    Having been Lebanon's representative in three editions of the Olympics
    (2004, '08, '12), Taslakian has struck a few special friendships. But
    none is more special than the one she has with current 100m Olympic
    champ, the Jamaican, Shelly Ann Fraser-Pryce. "Shelly and I are great
    friends. We talk very regularly and I keep visiting her from time to
    time. The best about her is that even though she is a phenomenal
    athlete, she never fires off advice. The only thing that she insists
    on though is that I should come and train with her," says Taslakian.

    She is, however, candid enough to admit that there is a substantial
    gulf in class and says training with Fraser-Pryce would do more harm
    than good. "I don't have the body nor the strength to push myself to
    the levels that Shelly does. I would just end up injuring myself. I am
    happy to cheer her on when she races, but I have kept my distance as
    far as training goes," she says.

    From: Baghdasarian