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We Are Smarter Than Ninety Years Ago

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  • We Are Smarter Than Ninety Years Ago

    We Are Smarter Than Ninety Years Ago

    Interview with Gaidz Minassian, expert of French Center for Strategic Studies

    Gaidz, the EU-Armenia Association Agreement is expected to be
    pre-signed in autumn but there is an issue with membership to the
    Customs Union combined with pressure by Russia. It is impossible to
    choose both.

    There is no need to worry because history has helped us get used to
    making such decisions, we have such experience. But the key question
    is what we want. The issue is put as follows: if security is
    important, we must face Russia because Europe as an entity does not
    look like a secure direction. We saw that Europe did not do anything
    for Georgia during the Russian-Georgian war. Now people are facing a
    choice between security and development. The minister of defense Davit
    Tonoyan has stated that it is necessary to review the national
    security doctrine since Europe is going to have more influence on the
    region, including Armenia.

    >From this point of view, the government of Armenia must ask Russia and
    Europe straightly to what extent we will lose our independence by
    joining the Customs Union, whether Karabakh will enter into it as
    well, who will ensure the security of the Armenian people in case they
    attack Artsakh. They must ask Europe whether they will ensure our
    independence if danger arises, after we sign the Association
    Agreement. Currently there is lack of dialogue with both Europe and
    Russia. No serious steps should be expected from Armenia except the
    both option unless the Europeans and Russians provide more
    explanation. There must be more focus on danger.

    What effect will the foreign affairs have on domestic affairs?

    In the 21st century, the era of globalization, there are no external
    and internal issues, there are issues. What is happening in internal
    life will have its effect on the international arena, and vice versa.
    It must be clear to all the states, societies are more vibrant and
    want to take part in decision making. Societies react more intensively
    all over the world, the United States, France, Germany, Egypt etc.

    Will the government become more accountable, will Serzh Sargsyan
    display will to implement change?

    For two years Serzh Sargsyan has repeated the phrase `believe to
    change, change to believe'. Now he is under pressure. People want to
    believe him but he must prove by action. He must attend seriously to
    the recent offshore scandal and the Control Chamber report.

    Is it possible that the government wants to set up an opposition inside itself?

    Armenia does not have an opposition, and the opposition is to blame,
    not the government. The PAP and the RPA have an internal game but the
    other opposition forces in Armenia are unfortunately past. Besides,
    the opposition forces do not have any levers to affect internal

    The new opposition is on the agenda. What will happen in the upcoming years?

    We have just finished with elections and it is too early to consider
    the next elections. However, with further democratization so many
    questions will occur inside the institutions that both the government
    and opposition will encounter problems. However, it does not mean that
    Armenia is in danger, it means that by becoming a democratic state
    Armenia will face more and more new questions, such as those of the
    offshore and the Control Chamber report.

    Today we are at a point of transition from feudalism to democracy and
    this movement is a development crisis, not defeat or disease. We must
    watch farther and ask questions to Russia, Europe and the United
    States. We are smarter than ninety years ago when the West referred to
    the Treaty of Sevres, and Moscow said the Bolshevists would build
    peace for us. At that time we did not treat the issue seriously, we
    were at war, we did not ask questions about our security. But today we
    are smart, we will not repeat the past mistakes. We are stronger

    Siranuysh Papyan
    15:00 06/07/2013
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