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Artak Budaghyan left hospital, but his status remains unclear

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  • Artak Budaghyan left hospital, but his status remains unclear

    Artak Budaghyan left hospital, but his status remains unclear

    Sat, 07/06/2013 - 15:43
    Artak Budaghyan

    The commander of N unit, Col. Artak Budaghyan who was injured as a
    result of shooting next to former Governor of Syunik Surik
    Khachatryan's house, left the hospital. In the conversation with the
    reporter of `Factinfo', press secretary of the Ministry of Defense
    Artsrun Hovhannisyan said.

    As "Fastinfo" informed earlier, on June 1, 2013, at 23.00, an incident
    took place next to the house of the former Governor of Syunik Surik
    Khachatryan as a result of which the former candidate of Gorik Mayor
    Avetik Budaghyan was killed and his brother, col. Artak Budaghyan and
    governor's body guide Nikolai Abrahamyan received gunshot injuries.

    A criminal case was filed and the governor's son Tigran Khachatryan
    and his bogy guide Zarzand Nikoghosyan were charged with articles
    104.2.6, 112.1 and 235.1 of RA Criminal Code respectively being murder
    committed in a way dangerous for the life of many people, infliction
    of willful heavy damage to health and illegal procurement,
    transportation or carrying of weapons, ammunition, explosives or
    explosive devices.

    On the same day Syunik court of first instance made a decision on the
    arrest of Z.Nikoghosyan and Tigran Khachatryan and they were
    transferred to Nubarashen prison. In the scope of the case, Artak
    Budaghyan was questioned as a victim, but it is obvious that in the
    near future his status will be changed, either he will be given the
    status of defendant for the participation in the shooting or he will
    be named a victim.

    Note that his attorney Hayk Alumyan has already presented a petition
    to the court for his status change to the victim, but the hearing was

    - See more at:
