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Where Will Children Of Elite Be During War?

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  • Where Will Children Of Elite Be During War?


    Anti-State Practice under the Veil of State

    The minister of defense Seyran Ohanyan stated a few days ago about an
    innovative approach to conscription. The lottery principle will be
    used for the selection of military units. The purpose is to reduce
    corruption risk by eliminating the practice of accepting bribe from
    conscripts to send them to the military unit they choose.

    Nevertheless, there is another issue relating to conscription that
    does not get a public focus, and lottery will not help. There is
    a privileged class in Armenia, and in dealing with this class the
    problem is calling them up, taking them to the military unit and later
    keeping them there rather than depriving them of the possibility of
    selecting the military unit and having them serve equally with others.

    In other words, it is necessary to address the issue of people who
    are supposed to serve in the army but they avoid service because
    because they arrange their documents so that they are not eligible
    for service or formally they serve but informally they continue to
    live at home and enjoy civilian life and entertainments.

    This issue stands more acutely now provided the growing risk of a
    new war in the region. It will be highly important from the point of
    view of moral and psychological atmosphere where the children of the
    so-called ~Selite~T will be during a war. If their children are not
    serving in the army equally with the children of ordinary citizens,
    there is a serious reason to claim that the moral and psychological
    atmosphere in the army does not foster combat readiness of the state
    and its armed forces.

    Not only the society and political forces but also the government
    overlooks this issue. Moreover, the government is following a dangerous
    practice ~V people who have never served in the army are promoted up
    the government hierarchy and receive awards for defense favors.

    They get government posts, they climb up the career ladder, even get
    awards of the Ministry of Defense and titles of veteran associations,
    become mayors or governors.

    In a state which was established while the war was going on, is still
    at an unfinished war and is facing a possible new war, it is not only
    abnormal but also highly dangerous and is existence of an anti-state
    order hiding behind the legal definition of state.

    The minister of defense is the agency which is highly interested in
    publicizing this phenomenon and placing it at the top of the agenda.
    It is as much a key factor for defense and combat readiness of Armenia
    as buying weapons. Hakob Badalyan 12:08 09/07/2013
    Story from News:
