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Emergency Situation In Armenia

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  • Emergency Situation In Armenia


    The government of Armenia is facing the issue of preventing the
    domino effect of inflation in Armenia in order to avoid another wave
    of dissatisfaction of the society. Resources are searched to repress
    the price rise. Some of the oligarchs may be asked not to raise the
    prices of their products.

    The situation is an emergency, and the government has launched fire
    extinguishing operations. The question occurs at the expenses of
    what the fire will be extinguished. Compensation or repression of
    price increase requires money. Does the Armenian government have
    money? Will personal savings be invested in the economy, or the
    compensation of the repression will be held on account of further
    debts not only foreign, but also home taken from local oligarchy and
    repaid by promises or privileges.

    This is a very high price for Armenia which has been paying already too
    much, since the very first years of independence and especially after
    the ceasefire, to the clans, oligarchic groups and military-feudal

    The issue is that this process should stop in Armenia and these groups
    need to start paying the state and not vice versa. It is very important
    to extinguish the fire taking into account the social-psychological
    state of the population, but the effect will be short-term, because
    economic rules of Armenia are a fire risk. Economy is a phenomenon
    which in small countries is under the influence of permanent risks.

    Economic competition and freedoms of the creative environment are
    the firefighting systems, which are always ready to respond in case
    of smoke. In Armenia's economy "fire extinguishers" are used which
    is an outdated and inefficient technology. When the fire burns in
    the economy, in Armenia firefighting systems don't respond, but fire
    extinguishers are immediately used, because there is no firefighting
    system, no competition and economic freedom.

    In Armenia this system needs to develop, otherwise the fire maybe
    extinguished today, but the level of economic and social security
    won't rise. More it will further reduce because the price will be
    paid by the state and won't be compensated. Therefore every time
    paying a price, the government gets closer to the insolvency border.

    It is natural that those who "lend" resources to the state for
    using the "fire extinguishers" are not interested in the creation of
    firefighting systems. They are for example Russia, which subsidies
    the gas price, or the local oligarchy, which can blackmail the state
    with the inflation demanding guarantees and further privileges.

    In this matter, the local oligarchy and Russia are allies, because it
    stems from their interest that the state turns to them for help. The
    state, in this case the political power, turns to them, instead of
    carrying out systemic changes. It is clear that the state interest
    is subordinated to the interests of the power.

    Consequently, if someone from the power announced that they are doing
    everything in order to rule out inflations, to repress prices, it may
    seem social caring attitude towards the citizens, but on the other
    hand, it may be promotion of the current system.

    State policy requires immediate steps in Armenia aimed at economic
    competition and freedoms, which will empower the society to resist
    to inflation on their own and will reduce t he social burden of the
    state giving more possibilities to it to help the layer of the society
    which is unable to use the possibilities, which does not have enough
    physical or intellectual potential to express its creative capacities
    under competitive conditions.

    Only statements are issued about this policy in Armenia, on the
    practical plane, the power is still obeying the economic bludgeon of
    Russia and oligarchy.

    JAMES HAKOBYAN 17:04 09/07/2013 Story from News:

    From: Baghdasarian