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US Appetite For Accessing Information Insatiable, Says Former CIA An

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  • US Appetite For Accessing Information Insatiable, Says Former CIA An


    09:20 10/07/2013 " INTERVIEWS

    Press TV has conducted an interview with David MacMichael, former
    senior CIA analyst, about new revelations showing that the US has
    reached an agreement with a private company to maintain its spying
    activities against American citizens. What follows is an approximate
    transcription of the interview.

    - First of all, the revelation by Edward Snowden followed by the
    Director of National Intelligence backtracking on his statements made
    to Congress and now this. Sir, where does it stop?

    - Well I do not know where it stops, I think I can tell you about
    where it started. It is interestingly enough this during the United
    States civil war hundred and fifty years ago, it had came just at
    the time with the big advance in telecommunications, the telegraph,
    the wire telegraph system had begun and the United States government
    immediately sent its agents into all telegraph offices throughout
    the United States and demanded and received access to all messages
    sent through the telegraph.

    So you are asking where did it begin, that is I would say a good place
    to say it began and where will it end, frankly I do not think it is
    going to end anywhere. This Team Telecom that you referred to, well it
    is a ... by the United States when a foreign controlled agent company
    was buying the firm Global Crossing which is one of the major fiber
    optics firms and this was during the decade beginning in the 1990s
    when fiber optics essentially begin, replaced the under ocean cables
    and other transmission means with a new technology and what the United
    States government has insisted upon before the Federal Communications
    Commission would approve this sale and the operation of this company in
    United States was a team composed of representatives of the Pentagon,
    of the National Security Agency, the CIA, the military and the US
    Federal Communications Commission was added to the management of
    this new firm in Global Crossing so that the United States could
    have access to all of this and to use it and of course this is now
    incorporated into what Edward Snowden has revealed, the NSA system.

    - Mr. MacMichael, what is the fact now? Is it there is a lot of spying
    going on?

    EU officials are subject to spying, the Chinese are subject to data
    espionage, even the American citizens, ordinary American citizens
    are being spied on. The question that comes to mind is what is the
    US looking for?

    - Well it is this insatiable appetite on the part and this is
    historically on the part of people in authority, governments if you
    will, and I do not care whether they are in the West, the East, Asian
    or capitalist..., these governments have an insatiable appetite for
    accessing information and it goes beyond any rational consideration of
    what most people would consider national security or national interest.

    And I have said this before I think in talking with you and others
    that well over fifty years ago the French scientist and political
    philosopher Jacques Ellul emphasized that whatever technology was
    introduced, no matter how beneficial it was, if it could be used for
    an adverse or an evil purpose, it would be and this is a fact of life
    and as you said yourself spying goes on.

