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Head Of Transparency International Anticorruption Center: Armenia Sp

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  • Head Of Transparency International Anticorruption Center: Armenia Sp

    by Samvel Sarksyan
    Wednesday, July 10, 13:02

    Armenia speaks of corruption risks instead of combatting corruption,
    Varuzhan Hoktanyan, Executive Director of Transparency International
    Anticorruption Center, said at a press conference on July 9.

    When assessing the Armenian Control Chamber's report about the 2012
    budget expenditures and the following developments in the context
    of the anticorruption fight, he recalled that after the Control
    Chamber Head had presented the report in Parliament on June 13,
    Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan said about misappropriation of
    200-300 mln AMD on June 29, whereas the report pointed out that 70%
    of the funds (701 bln AMD, or $1.7 bln) budgeted for 2013 ran the
    risk to be spent unreasonably. Hoktanyan thinks that it is necessary
    to understand what mechanisms are creating these risks and what the
    real amount of the embezzlement and misappropriation is. He stressed
    that the Control Chamber and other supervisory services should find
    out not only the financial components of the misappropriation, but
    also the results the misappropriation leads to.

    Hoktanyan pointed out that he was waiting for the response of the
    Armenian Prosecutor General's Office and other law-enforcement agencies
    to the Control Chamber's report. The response will play a big role in
    the further analysis of the situation in state budget expenditures,
    he said.

    "Since Serzh Sargsyan became the president of Armenia in 2008, he has
    repeatedly made several speeches, and I give high priority to the work
    done and the changes made, not to what is spoken about. Words have gone
    down in value; they have become a way to conceal the facts. And if his
    speech is followed by serious steps to control the ministries' activity
    and if fewer than 67-68% of the respondents start thinking that the
    healthcare system is corrupt or extremely corrupt, then it will be
    possible to say that the words have become deeds", Hoktanyan stressed.

    To recall, Serzh Sargsyan said on June 29 that the Prosecutor General's
    Office must legally assess the Control Chamber's report and come out
    with a statement. "If the chairman of the Control Chamber claims
    that 70% of our state budget, i.e. 701 bln AMD is under threat,
    it is obviously a wrong and short-sighted statement. You (the
    Prosecutor General - editor's note) need only 2 or 3 days to assess
    that report and make a speech, i.e. to say: dear citizens of Armenia,
    the Control Chamber's report suggests that only 200 mln or 300 mln
    AMD was embezzled", said Sargsyan.

    To note, the Armenian Prosecutor General's Office has released no
    statement yet.
