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The Lingering Landmines Of Nagorno-Karabakh

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  • The Lingering Landmines Of Nagorno-Karabakh


    Strategy Page
    July 9 2013

    July 9, 2013: Because of a 19 year truce between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan it's been possible to clear 75 percent of the 88,000 known
    mines and unexploded munitions (especially bomblets from cluster bombs)
    known to exist in the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.

    The clearing operation only started going six years after the cease
    fire, when it seemed likely that the two countries would not start
    fighting again, at least not without a little warning. It will take
    another decade to clear all the mines and other explosive stuff from
    tiny Nagorno-Karabakh. Since the 1994 ceasefire, there have been
    about a thousand casualties from the landmines and other explosives in
    Nagorno-Karabakh. That number has declined as more of the explosives
    were cleared. But there are still a dozen casualties each year,
    if only because people feel free to wander around more often.

    Armenia and Azerbaijan continue to disagree over possession
    of Nagorno-Karabakh, a 4,400 square kilometer district, full of
    Armenians, surrounded by Azerbaijani territory. The current population
    is 160,000. Technically, there has been a truce between Armenia and
    Azerbaijan since 1994. But it has been a hot truce that often seems on
    the verge of slipping back into war. Between 1991 and 1994, there was
    a nasty little war between the two countries over Nagorno-Karabakh,
    which Armenia won. Some 20,000 people died and over a million
    (400,000 Armenians and 700,000 Azerbaijanis) fled their homes as
    Armenia occupied 31,000 square kilometers of Azerbaijani territory,
    to connect Nagorno-Karabakh to Armenia. Most of the refugees were
    from areas dominated by one group, who drove out the minority. Some
    40,000 Azerbaijani civilians were driven from Nagorno-Karabakh. The
    situation was humiliating for Azerbaijan, who saw it as yet another
    example of more powerful and wealthier (via oil fields) Moslems being
    defeated by a smaller number of armed and more capable non-Moslems.

    Located on the Caspian Sea in the Caucasus, Azerbaijan and Armenia
    were part of the Soviet Union until 1991, and much of their military
    equipment is of Cold War vintage. Azerbaijan is 95 percent Moslem
    (85 percent Shia). Although Azerbaijan has three times more people and
    much more money (because of oil), the Armenians are better soldiers and
    the dispute has been stalemated. Azerbaijan has a population of nine
    million and a GPD of $72 billion, compared to 3.2 million Armenians
    who have a GDP of $10 billion. Azerbaijan is determined to reverse
    this string of defeats, no matter the cost. But the Azeris are not
    stupid and have to deal with the fact that the Armenians are still
    better fighters and have Russia as an ally.

    Two years ago Armenia signed a pact with Russia that, in effect,
    puts it under the protection of Russia. The deal extends the lease
    on a Russian military base in Armenia from 2020 to 2044. The 3,000
    man Russian force in Armenia may be increased and Russia, in effect,
    guarantees Armenia's security. Armenia needs all the help it can get,
    as it is a landlocked Christian nation surrounded by three hostile
    Moslem states (Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Iran). To the north there is
    Georgia which, while Christian, has its own problems with Russia. This
    deal makes any major move against Armenia by Azerbaijan very risky.

    While the Russians want to remain friendly with Azerbaijan, they
    have definitely taken sides here. In return for this security Armenia
    will have to follow Russia's lead in diplomacy and any other area the
    Russians feel is important. Meanwhile, the Russians will provide new
    weapons and equipment for the 43,000 troops in the Armenian military
    and help arm an even larger reserve force.

    In the last few years Azerbaijan has purchased over $5 billion worth
    of new weapons from Israel and Russia. Officially, all of this is
    for potential use against Armenia. But the billions spent on naval
    and air defense weapons seem more suited for defense against Iran.

    Azerbaijan has been having more and more problems with Iran. Last
    year, for example, police arrested 22 suspected Iranian agents and
    accused them of planning terror attacks on American and Israeli
    targets. Azerbaijan has been chasing down and arresting Iran-backed
    terrorists and spies for years. This time they discovered that some of
    the people they arrested had been recruited by Iran, as spies, as far
    back as 1999. Now Iran is increasingly using terrorism to influence
    what goes on in Azerbaijan and the Azeri government does not like it.

    Iran has long harbored an intense interest in Azerbaijan. This is
    because most of the Turkic and Moslem Azeris live in Iran. Up until
    1813, modern Azerbaijan was part of Iran. Then the Russians showed up.

    Armenia and Azerbaijan were the last Russian conquests as the tsar's
    soldiers and Cossacks advanced down the Caucasus region (between the
    Black and Caspian Seas) in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Russians
    stopped when they ran into the Turkish and Iranian empires, but not
    before taking a chunk of Azerbaijan from Iran. The Iranians have
    not forgotten.

    In effect, most of "Azerbaijan" is in Iran and Iran has long hoped
    to reunite all Azeris under their rule. Currently, about a quarter
    of the Iranian population is Azeri and many have risen to senior
    positions in the government. Despite that, most Azeris would like
    all Azeris united in a single Azerbaijan. This is not a popular idea
    within Iran. The Russians, on the other hand, have come to accept
    the 1991 loss of Azerbaijan and Armenia.

    Iranians, both individually and collectively, have been increasingly
    aggressive towards Azerbaijan over the last decade. For example,
    last year hackers calling themselves the Iranian Cyber Army defaced
    media web sites in Azerbaijan. This was in response to Azerbaijan
    arresting locals and Iranians for trying to organize terror attacks
    on Israeli targets. Iran is also unhappy with the growing diplomatic
    and economic ties Azerbaijan has with Israel. Azerbaijan ordering
    military equipment from Israeli was very unpopular with Iran, which
    believes that Israel must be destroyed and that any Islamic state
    that supports Israel deserves much the same.

    Three years ago all this Iranian hostility, and disputes with
    neighboring Armenia, led oil rich Azerbaijan to increase its defense
    budget 87 percent to $3.1 billion. That has since increased to
    $3.7 billion. Nearly half these larger budgets are being spent to
    modernize the armed forces. A lot of the cash was quietly spent
    on improved counter-terrorism capabilities. Israel was providing
    advisors and special equipment to detect and deal with growing Iranian
    sponsored Islamic terrorism in Azerbaijan. This Israeli connection,
    and especially the growing success of the Azeris in countering Iranian
    terror efforts, has infuriated the Iranians.

    But Azerbaijan is making a serious effort to create an effective
    military and revive their economy. Azeri defeats at the hands of
    better trained, led, and organized Armenian troops were caused,
    in part, by Azerbaijani corruption and double dealing among themselves.

    Moreover, the Armenians have a military tradition going back
    centuries. The Azeris are working hard to redress the military balance,
    thus the Armenian need for a Russian alliance and the sharp jump in
    Azeri military spending. But while Armenia only has to worry about
    one enemy, Azerbaijan has both Armenia and Iran to deal with.
