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George Tumanjan Receives 'Knight Of Cilicia' Medal

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  • George Tumanjan Receives 'Knight Of Cilicia' Medal

    Wednesday, July 10th, 2013

    George Tumanjan being presented with his award.

    LA CRESCENTA-On Tuesday, June 25, Western Prelate Archbishop Moushegh
    Mardirossian visited benefactor George Tumanjan to present to him the
    Pontifical Encyclical of His Holiness Catholicos Aram I and the Knight
    of Cilicia medal, which was bestowed upon him in response to a request
    by the Prelate. Holy Cross Cathedral Pastor Rev. Fr. Ashod Kambourian
    and Board of Trustees Chair Mrs. Goharik Gabriel joined in the visit.

    Tumanjan family members were also present for the presentation.

    "George Tumanjan has dedicated his life to helping others and to
    doing God's work," the Church said in their statement.

    "For over five decades, he has served humbly and selflessly, in the
    example of a true Christian. He has served the Armenian Apostolic
    Church and, particularly, the Holy Cross Church and later Cathedral
    for over fifty years. Through his membership on the Board of Trustees,
    Finance, and Construction Committees, he facilitated the construction
    of Holy Cross Cathedral in 1981. His desire to have young parishioners
    gather for various activities inspired him to build the Tumanjan
    Youth Center."

    George Tumanjan's philanthropic efforts are numerous. Earlier this
    year he surprised everyone by generously donating the entire cost
    of the Cathedral's renovation. Several years ago he contributed
    the funds for the renovation of the youth center, which bears his
    name. His generosity extends beyond the church to family, friends,
    employees, and various organizations. He is known in the Armenian
    and non-Armenian communities alike as a humanitarian, and has been
    honored by the Boy Scouts of America and the YMCA.

    In recognition and appreciation of his lifetime of devoted service
    and benevolence, His Holiness Catholicos Aram I has awarded George
    Tumanjan the "Knight of Cilicia" honor and medal.

    From: Baghdasarian