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Deception With Self-Deception

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  • Deception With Self-Deception

    DECEPTION WITH SELF-DECEPTION deception-with-self-deception&catid=3:all&Itemid=4
    Tuesday, 09 July 2013 17:14

    We have repeatedly written that desiring to present the Nagorno
    KarabakhRepublic as an uncontrolled zone, where different illegal
    actions are allegedly taken,Azerbaijan uses any means and international
    platforms. For many years, officialBaku has attempted to convince
    the international community of NKR's involvement in international
    terrorism, to accuse the Republic of illegal disposal of nuclear wastes
    in the territories under its control, endangering the environment of
    the entire region, of the production and distribution of drugs, etc.

    I must say, the Baku authorities launch annually the same propaganda
    cliches, which, to their great regret, do not bring the expected
    political dividends.

    Perhaps any other country would have long given up this disinformation
    venture because of its absolute absurdity and consequent futility. It
    would take place in any other country, but not in Azerbaijan where
    the discredit of the NKR is a priority direction of its foreign
    policy. That is why, despite the futility of its attempts, because
    the accusations have never (!!!) been supported by any reliable
    fact, Azerbaijan continues to pile up, with enviable tenacity and
    stubbornness, one lie after another.

    Last week, another lunge towards Nagorno Karabakh was made by
    Director of the Center for Strategic Studies (CSS) under the
    President of Azerbaijan Farhad Mammadov. Delivering a speech at a CSS
    conference in London entitled "Expansion of the Political Agenda:
    the British-Azerbaijani Relations in the European Context", this
    gentleman saddled the favorite propaganda horse of the Azerbaijani
    ideologists and stated that the territory of Nagorno Karabakh was used
    for drug trafficking, illicit trafficking of small- and large-caliber
    arms and it had become neither more nor less than... a center of
    terrorist activities. We do not undertake to judge how these truly
    ridiculous accusations helped "expand the political agenda" of the
    British-Azerbaijani relations, especially in the European context.

    Let's leave the assessment of the prospects of these relations for
    the British themselves, and we should rather refer to another, purely
    Karabakh context

    As noted above, in the information war with the Armenian side,
    Azerbaijan has used the topic of drug trafficking and terrorism
    for years, regaling the international community with new and new
    portions of fabrication. Moreover, as also noted, none of these and
    similar accusations has been confirmed by any fact on the ordinary
    reason that they are simply lacking. In other words, the Azerbaijani
    authorities, for which lie has become an integral part of the domestic
    and foreign policy, continue to deceive impudently the international
    structures. Alas, it will continue until these structures allow to
    deceive them. Or, are they acting as Pushkin wrote: "I am glad to
    be deceived?"

    This question is not rhetorical at all. We do not know what the format
    of the noted conference in London was, but we can suppose with a
    high degree of probability that it was attended by serious political
    analysts and experts who were used to operate with reliable facts
    and figures. So, didn't any of them doubt the words of Mammadov and
    require to present convincing evidence of the accusations pressed
    against the NKR? After all, the very status of the director of
    the Center for Strategic Studies, especially under the President of
    Azerbaijan, supposes a high degree of solidity of both the person and
    the seriousness of his expressions. Has the British expert community
    lost its significance to the extent that is ready, without a moment's
    hesitation, to swallow and believe the allegations of the Azerbaijani

    But, it is not so difficult to get to the truth, even in this huge
    pack of lies. One can just get acquainted with the U.S.

    State Department's annual reports on the strategic control over
    international drug trafficking to make sure that the accusations
    against Nagorno Karabakh are artificial. Moreover, in due time,
    the UN Department of Drugs and Crimes also confirmed the lack of any
    evidence of the use of the territory of Nagorno Karabakh for illegal
    transit operations. In contrast, actually all the reports of the State
    Department stress that Azerbaijan is an important channel for the
    transit of drugs. And according to the UN World Drug Report for 2013,
    Azerbaijan has the highest rate of injecting drug use in the world. As
    for terrorism, it is Azerbaijan that was involved in it, as in the war
    with Nagorno Karabakh it unleashed an open terror against the peaceful
    Armenian population and involved over two thousand Afghan mercenaries
    who were directly related to Al Qaeda international terrorist network.

    But how long can it deceive self-respecting serious
    organization? Perhaps, until these serious organizations become serious
    not only in words, but also in deeds. And yet, unfortunately, they are
    glad to be deceived. One can only guess: believing or, after all, not
    believing the lie heaped by Azerbaijan? Though, what's the difference?


    Editor-in-Chief of Azat Artsakh newspaper
