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Religious Teaching In Armenia Criticised

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  • Religious Teaching In Armenia Criticised


    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #694
    July 11 2013

    Schools promote main Christian church to the detriment of other
    religions, critics say.

    By Gayane Lazarian - Caucasus

    Mahine Sahakyan's 14-year-old son Arman has learned to keep quiet
    during some lessons at his school in Armenia. Like his parents, he
    is part of the evangelical Word of Life church. That should not be a
    problem, since Armenian schools are under a constitutional obligation
    to be secular.

    But his parents are among the followers of minority religions who
    complain that lessons teaching the history of the traditional Apostolic
    Church are used to promote that faith and denigrate others.

    That places Arman in a very uncomfortable position.

    "One priest even asked the children whether there any of their parents
    went to religious meetings and took them along with them," his mother
    Mahine said. "If so, then the church would try to stop it. My son
    just sat there and shut up to avoid any unnecessary conversations,
    because he knows that we follow a different church and that we do
    things differently at home."

    Armenian schools have taught pupils the history of the country's
    Apostolic Church since 2002. Officials and priests insist the
    subject-matter merely reflects the central role the church has played
    in maintaining Armenian identity since 301 AD, when the nation became
    the first to adopt Christianity.

    In 2005, the history of religion became compulsory for children over
    the age of nine. Two years later, the church gained the right to design
    the educational programme and to nominate teachers. That same year,
    the Centre for Christian Instruction in Etchmiadzin, the seat of the
    Apostolic Church, took over control of the syllabus.

    The director's centre Varadan Navasardyan denied that the teaching
    promoted any one religion.

    "The school course provides information about how the church,
    throughout history, has played an important role in the life of our
    nation and our land, and how every child should know this," he said.

    "It was a flaw in the Soviet system that the church was removed from
    the history syllabus."

    Armenia's constitution accords the Apostolic Church a special role
    in preserving national identity and developing spiritual values,
    and Education Minister Armen Ashotyan has said repeatedly that church
    and state work together to advance the moral education of children.

    Education experts, however, say that the course is in violation of
    the OSCE's Toledo Principles, which require religion to be taught
    according to the principles of basic human rights.

    "The teaching of this subject is accompanied by the propagation of
    intolerance against other religions, even though the law on religion
    bans religious propaganda given that this violates the principles
    of democracy," said Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, an expert on religion at
    Yerevan State University.

    Emil Sargsyan, a member of the Evangelical Church, says his 16-year
    old son Edgar has regularly clashed with priests who come to the
    school to teach the history of the Apostolic Church.

    "Edgar refused to accept the ideas included in the subject. As a
    result, a priest came to the school to persuade my son that the
    church's ideas were right," he said. "But when my son continued to
    insist on his own point of view, the teacher said in front of the whole
    class that he was a member of a sect. She was imposing her own ideas
    even though people are supposed to be free to choose for themselves."

    Armen Lusyan, spokesman for the Word of Life church, said he knew of
    many similar examples.

    "The problem arises when deceitful teachers exploit the teaching
    in order to sow hatred and intolerance towards other faith groups,
    to stage witch-hunts in class, to condemn the faiths of some pupils
    in front of their classmates, and to try to get them back onto the
    so-called true path," he said.

    "Sadly, we have seen cases of this kind, and that's intolerable,"
    Lusyan continued. "Children in school should not be pressured or
    humiliated in any way."

    Armine Davtyan, a teacher who has written a book on religious
    education, said this meant that the constitutional requirement for
    secular schooling was regularly being flouted.

    "The year-ten textbook is permeated with the idea that if you're
    Armenian you must be a member of the Apostolic Church, and that if
    you don't accept that, you aren't Armenian," she said.

    Navasardyan denied that schools were conflating Armenian identity
    with the church.

    "Let them study the subject first, and then later decide what religion
    they belong to," he said. "If you study Islam and want to become a
    Muslim, then go ahead - but you still have to know about your own
    church and the role it played in the past of your own father and

    The Toledo Principles state that governments must be in charge
    of training religious studies teachers, and must also oversee the
    appointment process. Although Armenian law says state and church
    should do this together, in reality the church does it on its own.

    Yerevan university academic Hovhannes Hovhannisyan said he had spoken
    to head teachers at several schools and to representatives of various
    religious groups, and had uncovered a whole series of problems.

    "A shortage of teachers means that the subject is being taught by
    people who aren't religious specialists. The textbooks are very
    densely put together, and even university students would struggle to
    study them," he said.

    Education ministry official Narine Hovhannisyan conceded that there had
    been problems ten years ago, but these days the courses were taught
    by theology graduates from Yerevan State University. She insisted
    that the textbooks included information on all major religions,
    and would be simplified this year.

    "Of course the history of the Armenian religion is laid out in detail,
    but it doesn't say, 'Child, you must follow this faith'. Are they
    really not supposed to know about the role the church has played in
    their history?" she asked.

    Teacher Davtyan said Armenia would do well to follow the example of
    Russia, which in 2009 dropped a school course on the history of the
    Orthodox Church, and replaced it with a subject called "culture and
    history of religion".

    Navasardyan, from the Etchmiadzin teaching centre, countered that this
    example was not transferable, since Russia had numerous minorities
    following other religions, whereas more than 90 per cent of Armenians
    belonged to the Apostolic Church.

    Gayane Lazarian is a reporter for

    MIME-Version: 1.0
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    From: Katia Peltekian
    Subject: Religious Teaching in Armenia Criticised

    Institute for War and Peace Reporting, UK
    IWPR Caucasus Reporting #694
    July 11 2013

    Religious Teaching in Armenia Criticised

    Schools promote main Christian church to the detriment of other
    religions, critics say.

    By Gayane Lazarian - Caucasus

    Mahine Sahakyan?s 14-year-old son Arman has learned to keep quiet
    during some lessons at his school in Armenia. Like his parents, he is
    part of the evangelical Word of Life church. That should not be a
    problem, since Armenian schools are under a constitutional obligation
    to be secular.

    But his parents are among the followers of minority religions who
    complain that lessons teaching the history of the traditional
    Apostolic Church are used to promote that faith and denigrate others.
    That places Arman in a very uncomfortable position.

    ?One priest even asked the children whether there any of their parents
    went to religious meetings and took them along with them,? his mother
    Mahine said. ?If so, then the church would try to stop it. My son just
    sat there and shut up to avoid any unnecessary conversations, because
    he knows that we follow a different church and that we do things
    differently at home.?

    Armenian schools have taught pupils the history of the country?s
    Apostolic Church since 2002. Officials and priests insist the
    subject-matter merely reflects the central role the church has played
    in maintaining Armenian identity since 301 AD, when the nation became
    the first to adopt Christianity.

    In 2005, the history of religion became compulsory for children over
    the age of nine. Two years later, the church gained the right to
    design the educational programme and to nominate teachers. That same
    year, the Centre for Christian Instruction in Etchmiadzin, the seat of
    the Apostolic Church, took over control of the syllabus.

    The director?s centre Varadan Navasardyan denied that the teaching
    promoted any one religion.

    ?The school course provides information about how the church,
    throughout history, has played an important role in the life of our
    nation and our land, and how every child should know this,? he said.
    ?It was a flaw in the Soviet system that the church was removed from
    the history syllabus.?

    Armenia?s constitution accords the Apostolic Church a special role in
    preserving national identity and developing spiritual values, and
    Education Minister Armen Ashotyan has said repeatedly that church and
    state work together to advance the moral education of children.

    Education experts, however, say that the course is in violation of the
    OSCE?s Toledo Principles, which require religion to be taught
    according to the principles of basic human rights.

    ?The teaching of this subject is accompanied by the propagation of
    intolerance against other religions, even though the law on religion
    bans religious propaganda given that this violates the principles of
    democracy,? said Hovhannes Hovhannisyan, an expert on religion at
    Yerevan State University.

    Emil Sargsyan, a member of the Evangelical Church, says his 16-year
    old son Edgar has regularly clashed with priests who come to the
    school to teach the history of the Apostolic Church.

    ?Edgar refused to accept the ideas included in the subject. As a
    result, a priest came to the school to persuade my son that the
    church?s ideas were right,? he said. ?But when my son continued to
    insist on his own point of view, the teacher said in front of the
    whole class that he was a member of a sect. She was imposing her own
    ideas even though people are supposed to be free to choose for

    Armen Lusyan, spokesman for the Word of Life church, said he knew of
    many similar examples.

    ?The problem arises when deceitful teachers exploit the teaching in
    order to sow hatred and intolerance towards other faith groups, to
    stage witch-hunts in class, to condemn the faiths of some pupils in
    front of their classmates, and to try to get them back onto the
    so-called true path,? he said.

    ?Sadly, we have seen cases of this kind, and that?s intolerable,?
    Lusyan continued. ?Children in school should not be pressured or
    humiliated in any way.?

    Armine Davtyan, a teacher who has written a book on religious
    education, said this meant that the constitutional requirement for
    secular schooling was regularly being flouted.

    ?The year-ten textbook is permeated with the idea that if you?re
    Armenian you must be a member of the Apostolic Church, and that if you
    don?t accept that, you aren?t Armenian,? she said.

    Navasardyan denied that schools were conflating Armenian identity with
    the church.

    ?Let them study the subject first, and then later decide what religion
    they belong to,? he said. ?If you study Islam and want to become a
    Muslim, then go ahead ? but you still have to know about your own
    church and the role it played in the past of your own father and

    The Toledo Principles state that governments must be in charge of
    training religious studies teachers, and must also oversee the
    appointment process. Although Armenian law says state and church
    should do this together, in reality the church does it on its own.

    Yerevan university academic Hovhannes Hovhannisyan said he had spoken
    to head teachers at several schools and to representatives of various
    religious groups, and had uncovered a whole series of problems.

    ?A shortage of teachers means that the subject is being taught by
    people who aren?t religious specialists. The textbooks are very
    densely put together, and even university students would struggle to
    study them,? he said.

    Education ministry official Narine Hovhannisyan conceded that there
    had been problems ten years ago, but these days the courses were
    taught by theology graduates from Yerevan State University. She
    insisted that the textbooks included information on all major
    religions, and would be simplified this year.

    ?Of course the history of the Armenian religion is laid out in detail,
    but it doesn?t say, ?Child, you must follow this faith?. Are they
    really not supposed to know about the role the church has played in
    their history?? she asked.

    Teacher Davtyan said Armenia would do well to follow the example of
    Russia, which in 2009 dropped a school course on the history of the
    Orthodox Church, and replaced it with a subject called ?culture and
    history of religion?.

    Navasardyan, from the Etchmiadzin teaching centre, countered that this
    example was not transferable, since Russia had numerous minorities
    following other religions, whereas more than 90 per cent of Armenians
    belonged to the Apostolic Church.

    Gayane Lazarian is a reporter for

    From: Baghdasarian