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Battlefield will show one's capacity - Karabakh Defense Minister

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  • Battlefield will show one's capacity - Karabakh Defense Minister

    Battlefield will show one's capacity - Karabakh Defense Minister - newspaper

    July 13, 2013 | 07:37

    YEREVAN. - 168 Zham daily interviewed Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (NKR)
    Defense Minister, NKR Defense Army Commander Movses Hakobyan, the
    daily reports.

    To the query as to the regional applicability of the weapons which
    Russia recently sold to Azerbaijan and whether NKR possesses
    equivalent weaponry to defend itself, or to retaliate, Hakobyan
    responded as follows:

    `I prefer to speak about the capabilities of the sides not under the
    influence of the information being disseminated about the weaponry
    being displayed in [military] parades, or being publicized by the
    media, but rather by comparing the specific facts I have.

    `The facts, however, do not at all represent the actual picture. So,
    the battlefield will show who has what and [who] is ready for what,'
    168 Zham quotes Movses Hakobyan as saying.

    From: A. Papazian