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When It's Too Late Or Who Betrays

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  • When It's Too Late Or Who Betrays

    When It's Too Late Or Who Betrays

    Member of Parliament Vahan Hovhannisyan states regarding our relations
    with the EU and Russia on Yerkir Media TV `we did everything we could'
    to replace the `both' approach with the dangerous `either ... or'.

    In Armenia they continue intentionally or unintentionally to distort
    the issues relating to the Association Agreement with the EU. It is
    not clear who needs this in domestic affairs because the segment
    called political forces meets with Stefan Fule behind closed doors and
    speaks to the society only when it is too late.

    There is more clarity on who needs the `either...or' approach outside
    the borders of Armenia: they are Russia, Turkey, Azerbaijan, generally
    everyone who is worried about the sovereignty of Armenia and close
    relations with the Euro-Atlantic community thanks to which Armenia can
    enhance its security potential even under the present illegitimate and
    incompetent government.

    A lot of people would say that Europe was the first to speak about the
    `either...or' approach. Recently, the president of Poland put forth the
    issue before Serzh Sargsyan.

    Distortion starts here because nobody states, for example, that Stefan
    Fule states that the EU is not likely to block the Armenian-Russian
    relations. On the contrary, the EU is willing to help Armenia make
    these relations more effective. Nobody states that the U.K. Ambassador
    says the deep relations between Russia and Armenia are a great
    opportunity for Europe which can use Armenia as a bridge for different
    relations with Russia.

    Distortion is that the `either ... or' approach is shifted from a
    specific issue, the Association Agreement and DCFTA, to a more general
    issue of Armenia-West and Armenia-Russia relations. Europe states it
    has no claims to Armenia's relations with Russia, but as to legal
    status, Armenia cannot play in two teams at the same time, and join
    the Customs Union and associate with Europe. So, there is a matter of
    distinct choice for Armenia, there is a matter of decision.

    When it is projected on the Armenia-West and Armenia-Russia relations
    and is presented as a choice between Russia and the West, the
    situation gets complicated and dangerous. Is there anyone in Armenia
    who needs such complications? If not, why is nobody in Armenia trying
    to explain the situation and block political manipulations by foreign

    Armenia has not violated any agreement with Russia and the so-called
    members of CSTO bloc when they violate ethics of partnership and
    military and political interests.

    Certainly, in this case they need to generalize the very specific
    `either ... or' to indicate that their violations are the answer to the
    `betrayal' of Armenia. Modest Kolerov says, for example, that Russian
    supply of arms to Azerbaijan is its answer to the relations between
    Armenia and the EU. Could it be that the relations between Armenia and
    the EU are the answer to strategic relations built between Azerbaijan
    and Russia for over a decade? First Russia signed a strategic
    agreement with Azerbaijan, then went on to sell arms to Azerbaijan.
    Then it saw that its advocates based in Armenia are more orthodox than
    Patriarch Cyril and launched their supply. First they sold C300, then
    offensive weapons.

    Given the evolution of the Russian-Azerbaijani strategic partnership,
    isn't the process of association of Armenia with the EU just a
    moderate reaction to it?

    Armenia did not charge a fee for the Russian military bases, Armenia
    did not demand to withdraw them from its territory, Armenia even
    ratified the CSTO agreement on refraining from infrastructure projects
    with third countries without the consent of the CSTO members when the
    CSTO member states Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan are in strategic
    relations with Azerbaijan which threatens Armenia with war and
    destruction. Armenia signed a Memorandum of Cooperation with the
    Eurasian Economic College, is ready to do the same with the Customs
    Union, Armenia signed the CIS Free Trade Agreement.

    Now can anyone accuse Armenia of betraying Russia? Now can anyone say
    that Armenia has no right to join the EU system of common economic
    rules proceeding from its interests and pursuing additional guarantees
    of economic and political security?

    So, whose approach is `either...or', the EU's or Moscow's?

    James Hakobyan
    16:01 13/07/2013
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