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An Authentic Pastor, A Faithful Servant Of The Church Goes

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  • An Authentic Pastor, A Faithful Servant Of The Church Goes



    Translation from French

    Sahag Sukiasyan, deacon of the Armenian Church to send us this platform
    signed by a group of faithful of the Diocese of the Armenian Church
    of France

    On behalf of the future of our Church

    Wednesday, July 3, we learned the sad news that thousands of
    faithful of our diocese, the resignation of our Primate, His Eminence
    Archbishop Zakarian Norvan. This news came on a background of crisis
    in which our young diocese had no need. It quickly became clear that
    this was related to the new conviction by a court "person violence"
    Vatche father, former parish priest of Nice and the resignation of our
    Primate was caused by a dispute between the Catholicos of All Armenians
    and himself about the priest. The shock and incomprehension are all
    larger than Norvan Monsignor is an ecclesiastical great humility,
    which has always been aware of his duties, loved and respected by the
    faithful of his diocese, which enjoys great authority to his brothers
    in the Episcopate and in all ecumenical circles. In addition, it
    is known in France and in all our communities around the world as
    a passionate intellectual authentic literature and other forms of
    artistic expression as a tireless defender of the Armenian language
    and a bold promoter of his teaching. His departure is for all the
    faithful of his diocese bad news, but this is the decision he has
    taken himself. And as such, we respect.

    The aim of the authors of these lines does not write a eulogy of Bishop
    Norvan. There is no need: forty-five years of his ministry since his
    ordination in 1968 in our cathedral church of Paris reflected largely
    in its favor.

    The last of its missions, and not least, has been the foundation of
    the Diocese of France, decided founding almost 90 years ago by the
    Catholicos Gevorg V of happy memory, but none of the legates who had
    catholicossaux succeeded in our country had failed to materialize. The
    names of His Holiness Karekin II, Supreme Patriarch and Catholicos
    of All Armenians, and Archbishop Norvan therefore remain forever
    associated with this project which, despite criticism from some of
    his critics, was and remains an urgent need for the future of our
    community. In education, after years of arduous preparatory work
    Norvan Bishop had just launched the long-awaited construction of the
    school Alford.

    The man by whom the scandal happened.

    The news that was broadcast on the eve of his resignation had already
    all deeply wounded.

    For the first time in the nearly century-old history of the Armenian
    community of France, one of our church was sentenced by a court. If
    the conviction of the man of the church is primarily a spot on his
    personal honor, it is also for his community, his church, his bishop
    and of course for its Patriarch. After being sentenced by Justice
    of the French Republic, it will, therefore, also face the judgment
    of his superiors. One can imagine that the father Vatche be at least
    invited to retire to a monastery for several months to freely examine
    his conscience. Our intention here is not to ask for the death of the
    sinner: "Who is the man who lives and does not fish? "(Ritual of the
    Armenian Church).

    An essential debate, an essential commitment of all to put the faithful
    in the heart of the Church and the Church in the heart of the faithful.

    Few of us know the priest who is the origin of the different between
    our Catholicos and our Primate, but to our great regret, we have not
    heard so far it has contributed greatly to the spiritual life faithful
    of our Church in France. If he did otherwise, we would like the voices
    to testify for him and say, "Behold the man." We would be reassured
    and happy to see readmitted to our communion as a brother. For now,
    we'll just say that the tensions and antagonisms that has caused will
    be allow the opening of a real debate on the reforms needed to improve
    the organization of our church life and also beyond this question on
    the form to be taken by the dialogue between Armenia and the Diaspora.

    Some of our "old" who often had little education but much wisdom liked
    to repeat "there is good in all evil." The opportunity offered to us
    must be received as a true result.

    Many members of our clergy regularly arrested on responses that our
    church should make the "grand challenges of the 21st century." A
    two-day conference was also held in Marseille last year at this
    same time, chaired by His Holiness Catholicos himself. Our biggest
    dilemma is that, collectively, we are simply still not out of the 20th
    century. We do not, for example, still made a moral response to major
    disasters that were the Genocide and the Sovietization and everywhere,
    as Diaspora in Armenia, the Church had, in the image of the nation,
    rebuild in a hurry, from scratch.

    To speak only of our situation in France, we have both reconnect with
    our church lost tradition: his ecclesiology, his spiritual heritage,
    its rites, its liturgical language, all in the very specific context
    of secular France and bring to young people born in this country
    answers to questions they have as many of their fellow citizens of
    their generation. But the approach to certain issues, such as those
    related to bioethics, it can lead to the same results of our Church
    as we inherit the unique experience of extermination? The Armenian
    Church does not have to own us in a number of areas answers?

    To a new experience of church life

    The independence of Armenia, the collapse of the Soviet Union, state
    "occupier" and atheist, finally allow us today to imagine and build
    new relations between Armenia and the Diaspora - or more accurately
    Armenia and Diaspora - but also in the Church. Secular and religious,
    we will not make the economy of these debates and the redefinition
    of the relationship. The divisions of the past conditioned and was
    adversely affecting the relationship between "Armenian Western" and
    "Eastern Armenians" are no longer relevant. The Cold War was that new
    disunity and a real "civil war" fratricide, particularly in the Near
    and Middle East is now forgotten now. We are now free, some like the
    other. Free to make all the ideals of generations of Armenians, but
    also free to fail together. Our complementary if it is ontologically
    a basic premise, is not provided nor universally accepted nor easily
    materialize. It must, we think he above all recognize this reality
    and work patiently bringing the two components of the nation in an
    equal relationship. "Nobody save anyone," especially without the
    consent of the "other" without the accompanying Charity.

    For a new and authentic Life Church: Religious and laity to serve
    the same Lord and his Church.

    This is true for civil society should be more in the Church where
    Charity, another word for love of neighbor is the foundation of any
    relationship. The clergy must be exemplary in this regard. And it
    is true that we still have priests and bishops we deserve, let us
    also remember that it is they come from our ranks and it is our
    responsibility to support them constantly in their vocation and
    fulfillment of their ministry by our prayers, advice and sometimes
    our demanding requests. If the priest cassock door, it should not be
    a fad, or to single out for free, but at any moment he remembers its
    state and its mission. It is also for the faithful can respectfully
    remind him when it can, in a moment of madness, away from his vocation
    and mission.

    In an analysis a little early and basic, but very widespread, many of
    us believe that the cause of the detachment of the younger generations
    to the Armenian Church is a consequence of the existing cultural gap
    between the faithful and the clergy of France once native Near and
    Middle East, but today almost exclusively of Armenia. For their part,
    many ecclesiastical judge that "the Armenians of France are totally
    assimilated and devoid of any desire to rediscover their spiritual
    and cultural heritage." These explanations are naturally shallow and
    probably the truth is she is somewhere between the two positions. But
    we can not dodge the question as to the nature of the accession of the
    Armenians of France in what they call a subtle way - and revealing -
    "faith of their ancestors," the process turning their accession to
    the Armenian Church in an element important, but stripped of its
    true meaning, their "identity range" with three drawers: Genocide -
    Religion - Armenia. To be a little live: who among us would like to
    see today a son abandon the prospect of brilliant graduate to take
    orders and serve others?

    Again, the answer is sharp, ready, "the Armenian Church does nothing
    to interest us and adapt to us." One could of course write countless
    pages on these topics. But one can also wonder why these young people,
    but also the generations of old, are not found in greater numbers in
    the ranks of other churches that do not fail to introduce ourselves
    as proselytes very unlike the Armenian Church. The Armenian France
    it would be inherently "not compatible" with the faith and thus
    permanently deprived of any prospect of salvation or would it not
    be sealed simply any query metaphysical? And what about those lay
    leaders of our parishes, in all innocence, are atheists or agnostics
    and engage in the service of the Church in the name of their ethnic
    or cultural background? The risk of "communitarianism" as feared by
    opponents of the new diocesan organization is it not just lurking in
    this position for less ambiguous?

    The upheavals of the last century that was the Genocide and the
    Sovietization disoriented in the proper sense of the term the whole
    Armenian people in Anatolia and the Caucasus, and in the dispersion.

    Although born in the heart of the Armenian plateau, away from
    sea shore, St. Mesrop Mashtots constantly invokes in his hymns of
    penitence "Good Captain" (navabed bet) which alone can lead the ship
    to port. These "captains" are obviously our church from the humblest of
    deacons to Catholicos of All Armenians, but the laity must not observe
    the operation from the pier or be prevented from contributing to the
    growth vessel Faith Armenians . It is the vocation of every Christian,
    regardless of his status, because "all of us who were baptized into
    Christ, have put on Christ" (Gal 3.26 to 27).

    All companies and institutions, and the Church is at the same time
    as the mystical body of Christ, an institution, a human society,
    is also progressing through the crises they traverse. One that is
    invited to our will in our church life to help us grow in Faith, Hope
    and Charity. The title of an Armenian folk song proclaims "Nothing
    is sweeter than the name of brother." Our most recent history can
    also convince us that.

    Our unique and humble supplication to the two brothers in the
    episcopate are Holiness Karekin II and Archbishop Norvan is to
    remember the Lord's words: "If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and
    you remember that your brother some something against you, leave your
    gift there before the altar and go first be reconciled to thy brother,
    and then come and offer your gift "(Gospel of Matthew: V, 23-24).

    Successors of the Apostles, we need your charity and your blessings
    to work for the glory of God and the strength of his Church.

    With you, we will give a new life to our church and live a new life.

    A group of faithful of the Diocese of the Armenian Church of France

    Tuesday, July 16, 2013, Ara ©
