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18 Killed, Dozens Injured In Bus Crash

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  • 18 Killed, Dozens Injured In Bus Crash


    The Moscow Times, Russia
    July 15 2013

    15 July 2013 | Issue 5168
    By Natalya Krainova

    Rescue workers sorting through the wreckage at the scene of the
    bus crash outside Moscow that killed 18 and injured dozens more
    on Saturday.

    Eighteen people were killed and more than 60 injured Saturday in a
    bus crash outside of Moscow that police say was caused by a truck
    driver who had racked up seven traffic violations last year.

    The crash, a grim reminder of the dangers of driving in Moscow that
    is likely to revive calls for tighter traffic legislation, occurred
    around 1 p.m. Saturday, when a Kamaz truck carrying rubble rammed into
    a bus near the village of Oznobishino in New Moscow, 22 kilometers
    southwest of the capital, Interfax reported.

    Fourteen bus passengers died at the scene and four more died in
    hospital later Saturday.

    At least 61 people were injured and more than 30 passengers were
    initially hospitalized, 15 of whom were in critical condition.

    According to the latest information available Sunday evening, 29
    passengers remained in hospitals in Moscow and the region as of late
    Saturday, the Moscow branch of the Emergency Situations Ministry said
    on its website.

    Acting Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin and Acting Moscow region governor
    Andrei Vorobyov declared Monday a day of mourning in the city and
    the region, City Hall's website said.

    A 34-second video of the crash published by LifeNews and recorded by
    a passing driver shows the truck driver turning from a perpendicular
    road onto the main road and driving into the path of an oncoming bus.

    The truck driver evidently tried to swerve, but the truck's side
    slammed into the side of the bus at full speed, almost literally
    tearing the bus in two. The video shows the truck driver standing on
    the road seconds after the crash and dusting himself off.

    Police suspect the truck driver, an unidentified 46-year-old Armenian
    national who was driving with an Armenian license, violated traffic
    rules by failing to yield to the bus, a city police source told

    The truck driver, who spent one day in a medically induced coma, has
    been detained by police for 48 hours but refused to testify Sunday,
    without giving an explanation. Police attributed his refusal to his
    feeling sick, Interfax reported.

    The Interior Ministry said it would seek the driver's arrest.

    On Sunday, acting regional governor Vorobyov called for a tightening
    of the punishment for traffic violations, a sentiment voiced by Moscow
    police chief Anatoly Yakunin in the wake of an earlier crash.

    "This case once again makes us talk about the tightening of rules that
    concern public traffic, the transportation of passengers," Vorobyov
    told a government meeting, the official regional website reported.

    Punishment should be stricter for drivers using temporary or transit
    license plates that have expired, the acting governor said, noting
    that the truck driver ­suspected in Saturday's accident had transit
    license plates on his car, Interfax reported.

    A police officer inspecting items left over from the collision. Monday
    has been declared a day of mourning. (Sergei Karpukhin / Reuters)

    "Public transportation and deliveries of cargos require
    professionalism," Vorobyov said.

    The acting governor also announced an extraordinary inspection of the
    region's almost 6,000 public buses, as well as "difficult crossroads,"
    where traffic lights will be installed.

    The truck driver's past violations included crossing into the oncoming
    lane and driving a car in an improper technical condition.

    But Viktor Pokhmelkin, head of the Movement of Russian Motorists,
    said that seven violations of traffic rules don't necessarily mean
    that the driver would be stripped of his license, and Armenian driving
    licenses are valid in Russia.

    Even a gross violation like crossing into the oncoming lane would lead
    to disqualification from driving only if witnessed and protocoled by
    a traffic policeman, Pokhmelkin said by telephone.

    If the violation is recorded by a video camera and the driver is
    notified by mail, however, he will only be fined a few thousand rubles,
    the lawyer said.

    And despite past violations, Pokhmelkin said, the truck driver was
    not necessarily to blame for the crash, as the intersection where
    Saturday's crash occurred is known for frequent collisions.

    "It is possible that there is something wrong with the organization
    of the traffic movement there," he said.

    Popular blogger Rustem Adagamov wrote on his Facebook page Sunday
    that the road from which the truck driver turned onto the main road
    was winding and had no traffic signs on it, making it impossible for
    the truck driver to see the bus in time. Adagamov published photos
    of the road to prove his point.

    A bus passenger who survived the crash, however, told Komsomolskaya
    Pravda that she had seen the truck coming from far away.

    While Saturday's crash has already resulted in calls for tighter
    legislation, Viktor Travin, president of the Moscow-based Board for
    Legal Defense, a firm that defends drivers, said that more should
    be done to prevent violations from occurring in the first place and
    that "the state must care about preventing violations, not about

    According to Travin, fines for traffic violations were raised on
    average every six months in Russia in the past 20 years, though that
    has not reduced the number of traffic violations.

    "Instead, the fight against the violators has turned into a fight to
    replenish the [state] budget," he said.

    On Tuesday, City Hall and the Moscow region government will decide
    whether to pay compensation of 1 million rubles ($31,000) to the
    relatives of each of those who died in Saturday's crash, and 500,000
    rubles to each of the injured, Vorobyov said Sunday.

    The victims also have the right to apply to the SOGAZ company, where
    the bus was insured, for compensation, SOGAZ spokesman Nikolai Galushin
    told Interfax.

    A law passed in January gives passengers the right to claim up to 2
    million rubles ($62,000) in compensation from carriers.

    In October, a collision of two cars at a Moscow intersection in which
    two people were killed, including popular actress Marina Golub,
    prompted Moscow's police chief to order traffic police to take
    measures to prevent such an accident from happening again, including
    a tightening of legislation.

    The driver deemed responsible for October's crash had also repeatedly
    been fined for traffic violations.
