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"Has Literally Transcribed From Dear Ilham Heydarovich"

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  • "Has Literally Transcribed From Dear Ilham Heydarovich"


    July 13 2013

    According to RA NA Vice President Hermine Naghdalyan, Moldovan
    Ombudsman successfully advertised her, and probably succeeded to
    raise her price at the customers. "What is right, is right, there was
    nothing new in the speeches delivered by the Ombudsman from Moldova,
    or rather the lawyer sent to Armenia by Azerbaijan,"- expressed her
    opinion RA NA Vice President Hermine Naghdalyan in a conversation with
    "Aravot" referring to the statements of Moldovan lawyer at the National
    Assembly of Armenia, adding that the words said by the lady are old,
    many times repeated, and they were thoughts and figures long ago
    boring European politicians and well informed people, which do not
    leave impression on anybody and anywhere, and bring no dividends,
    except Azerbaijan. "But as you see, they can still be used for rent
    as a pretext by some clever entrepreneur women,"- said the NA Speaker.

    According to her, the ideas expressed were one-to-one repeat twenty
    years ago fictions of Azerbaijani. "I think it is also insulting to the
    authors for copied plagiarism. Also, customers can become offended:
    you got an order, at least work a little bit on it, express with
    our own words. But, no, she literally transcribed from dear Ilham
    Heydarovich. Why are people paid for only?" As for dissatisfactions
    to me expressed by the alien lady, as well as to the statements that
    the person presiding the session as if had stopped her speech ahead
    of the time, and did not let her finish it, Mrs. Naghdalyan said that
    they have behaved themselves as true civilized nation and not like some
    few. "In our country there is a true democracy and freedom of speech,
    that's why we listened to her without interrupting, in compliance
    with regulations, and answered tactfully and with discreet. By the
    way, we all remember how recently an Armenian NA Deputy, with brutal
    manners, was not allowed to deliver a speech in Baku during the top
    international meeting. Frankly, there was a lure to explain the person
    sold for a couple of oil-cents, or a few tablespoons of caviar that
    this war was imposed and unleashed on us in response to just demand for
    self-determination by Karabakh people, which is an inalienable right to
    any nation, that Khojaly massacre has been organized by their kindred,
    by its customers, the experience of which they gained by atrocities
    in Sumgait, Baku, Kirovabad, that the whole world precisely knows it,
    and many other things, but real tolerance of thinking, commitment to
    European values, and also the status of the owner imposeed certain
    commitments before us. Thus, we had to be satisfied with only a few
    disclosing remarks. Of course, there should be no doubt about the
    Ombudsman's actions of being ordered and sponsored, this is evidenced
    by a number of phenomena." Our interlocutor noted that the Ombudsman's
    duty is to defend human rights in its country, and in this conference,
    the lady should have brought up issues of human rights in Moldova. "In
    the framework of Aurelia's reporting, the God's just required to raise
    first of all the issues of Transdniestria, but not the interests of her
    own nation but Azerbaijan's were more important for her, she was the
    lawyer thereof, on the account of Moldovan taxpayers. For this reason,
    the lion's share of the time was allocated to Azerbaijani, only a few
    words about the situation in Georgia to divert the attention, and then,
    by residual principle, she remembered her primary responsibilities,
    about human rights defender in Moldova, but, naturally, there was
    no time left for it,"-said Mrs. Naghdalyan. As for the recording of
    the speech, the Vice President of RA NA said,- "Khanum explains that
    she had record all the speeches, but it was not so. The witnesses
    have noticed how she turned the recording on before her speech,
    she cannot submit other records. No other records are placed on her
    website either. In other words, it does not sound like she recorded
    all her speeches, probably only the ones that should be presented for
    payment." During her press conference in ChiÅ~_inÄ~Cu the lawyer was
    explaining that the purpose of her speech was to draw the attention
    of the international community on human rights violations. Mrs.

    Naghdalyan said in irony,- "I'd love to believe, but saying people
    she purely understands purely ethnic Azerbaijani people. For the
    balance, she could have said a word or two of Armenian affected by
    the conflict. But, no. May be the flaming fighter of Azerbaijanis
    rights Mrs. Aurelia khanum intended to seize the attention of the
    international community on the human rights issues and Baku conference,
    where she was a month ago? Maybe there are more of such records? Again,
    no." Finally, according to our interlocutor, the problem is not why
    the lady spoke, but the fact that she had spoken.

    "For example, I have also delivered a speech about the same problems
    in Baku at the Azerbaijani President's residence. But it was
    straightforward speech. Many times we insisted in front of the world
    that a lie is disgusting ..." "It is not proper to a man, to whom
    its country trusted the high title of human rights defender, to go
    down to obvious and cheap lie, dirty defamation until reshaping the
    facts, turning the reality in one hundred percent. It is unacceptable
    to mislead people, distort the reality, to serve as a tool in the
    hands of others. It is not worthy of the high title of an ombudsman,
    is not worthy of a man. The representatives of Ombudsmen Association
    immediately expressed their regrets and disapproval of such behavior
    of their partner. The representative of Moldovan Parliament also spoke
    very impressively about it pointing out the unawareness of the lawyer,
    political nearsightedness, and non professionalism." In the end,
    referring to inside out show "performed" by Moldovan lady regarding
    threats and risks "before the curtain", Hermine Naghdalyan said,-
    "Not only political shortsightedness, but simply sacred naivety becomes
    clear. Relevant institutions did not report about threatening calls.

    She could not imagine that there are cameras installed at the entrance
    and lobby of the hotel. But the anxiety that she would be taken to
    somewhere, is generally ridiculous, which Armenian would dishonor
    itself with Azerbaijani leftovers. It appears that the fraud is the
    main tool of the Parliamentarian lawyer Aurelia Grigoriu. Instead,
    she succeeded to advertize herself and maybe she will be successful
    to increase the price with the customers." Interviewer Nelly GRIGORYAN

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