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The Letter Resignation Of Bishop Zakarian Norvan Catholicos Garegin

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  • The Letter Resignation Of Bishop Zakarian Norvan Catholicos Garegin



    Translated from French

    Nor Haratch and site were published on Saturday the
    resignation letter that Bishop Zakarian Norvan sent to Catholicos
    Garegin II on 1 July 2013. We also received from reliable sources
    requesting anonymity, this document. We publish below the translation
    by our editorial.

    July 1, 2013.

    To His Holiness TT Gareguine 22, beaming patriarch and Catholicos of
    All Armenians, St. Edjmiatzine

    Vèhapar Tèr,

    Lately I notice that you take pleasure in hurting me and discredit me.

    Your comments about me and blame you send me really surprised me.

    Maybe you do not go you realize that your crush under foot the dignity
    of people.

    The last event of its kind since June 29, 2013 when in the VIP room
    of the Charles de Gaulle airport you suddenly attacked me verbally
    to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr Edward Nalbandian, President
    of the National Assembly Mr. Hovik Abrahamian , Ambassador Mr Viguen
    Tchitetchian and other religious and secular figures, pronouncing
    the words that terrified me: "If you do not release the father of her
    work Vatché Ghazanchyan guardian before 1 July 2013, if the diocese
    (Armenian France ie) is not able to give him a monthly salary, then you
    have nothing to do with the Holy See. " Emu on the moment, I tried to
    check that I had heard and you have repeated: "Yes, you have nothing
    to do now with the Holy See." The day before, already, I was stunned
    when I heard you say that "... cassock father Vatché within my own
    dignity as she faces of yours and that of every Armenian Church. "

    Vèhapar Tèr, I have neither the desire nor the time to take care
    of clerics whose education is based on the desire to do "business"
    and became unmanageable. If reform of the Armenian Apostolic Church
    is only a matter of step or settlement and that the goal is only to
    ensure the continuation of the administrative order, what about the
    climate at the mother monastery Armenians, where prevails the absence
    of love and decency and a tiring cult of personality? Hope that our
    Holy Church does not turn the contents of his mission.

    Wanting to get out of this situation, I hereby inform Your Holiness
    that from November 1, 2013, I waive my function Primate of the Armenian
    Diocese of France, a delegate of the Holy See for Western Europe,
    and Board member Spiritual Superior. I resigned from November 1 for
    the simple reason that October 19, 2013 to be held the next meeting of
    the Diocesan Assembly and delegates will have the time to elect their
    Primate which I can send the keys and documents relating to his office.

    â~@¨The faithful servant of the Holy Armenian Apostolic Church

    Archbishop Zakarian Norvan

    Monday, July 15, 2013, Ara ©
