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Camera Women Tell Stories In A Snap

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  • Camera Women Tell Stories In A Snap

    Kashmir Times, India
    July 21 2013

    Camera Women Tell Stories In A Snap

    By Surekha Kadapa-Bose

    "The camera gives me power and I become brave," says Anahit
    Hayrapetyan, 32, a photojournalist based in Yerevan, the historical
    capital city of Armenia, a former Soviet bloc country. Adds the
    talented lens-woman, "It's not easy for me to go out with a camera in
    my hands, but once I am out there, everything changes. My camera is my
    motivation, my interest, my soul, my tears... [It's my] life."

    Photographing the life and times of girls and women in her country has
    been like a mission for Anahit ever since she started taking pictures
    in 2005. Although she admits she has an emotional connect with every
    story she has clicked, one of her most moving works yet has been the
    'Princess to Slave' project that depicts the various forms of violence
    Armenian women face - be it physical, sexual, psychological or gender

    Like Anahit, Russia-born Irina Popova, 27, also trains her lens on the
    everyday woman. From photographing an unusual family living on the
    streets of St Petersburg to covering a war zone, she has done varied

    Anahit and Irina are part of an increasing tribe of women
    photojournalists from around the world, who are using their evocative
    photography to showcase the diverse challenges "womankind" faces. They
    may be living in Tver (Russia), Paris (France) or Yerevan (Armenia),
    but they willingly travel to far-flung regions like Abkhazia, Cuba,
    Morocco or India to 'shoot' women and present their hitherto
    unexpressed fears, apprehensions and problems.

    Violence against women is a subject dear to Anahit's heart. As part of
    The Other Side Of Europe project, which has roped in various
    well-known photographers from Eastern Europe to present an "inside
    view" of the region, she writes, "I believe that problems can be
    solved only if we speak out; otherwise they will stay hidden in our
    society, and the society will stay sick. ...hiding violence can bring
    death...Women must know their rights and bring these problems out into
    the open."

    Anahit recalls an incident involving the death of a young woman. "It
    was the funeral of a young, pregnant and beautiful woman. She was in
    white... her family wasn't rich. While her family insisted that she
    was killed, the husband's family maintained that she had committed
    suicide. At that time my son had just been born. I had to go to their
    house then return to feed my son and then go back there again.
    Emotionally, it was one of the most difficult days of my life,"
    reveals this mother of two, who incidentally, has worked with National
    Geographic Traveler Armenia, Institute for War & Peace Reporting and
    Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty, among others.

    It's the unusual subjects that attract the artist in Irina, who has
    many accolades to her name, including the title of the Best
    Photographer of Russia, which she won in The Best Photo Story
    category. The works she has produced over the last few years clearly
    demonstrate her interests - she has photographed Cuban women, captured
    Georgia during war, and even told the story of two-year-old Anfisa and
    her parents, who are punks and heavy drug abusers. The last feature
    created quite a sensation in the Western media.

    Says she, "I love to interact with people who are not part of 'real'
    life. I too had no 'real life' and that's why I took up photography. I
    [love to] travel for my stories and pick out my destinations
    [depending on what interests me]."

    One such 'destination' Irina chose was strife-torn Georgia, located in
    Eastern Europe. Over the last couple of decades, relations between
    Russia and Georgia have been quite tense, especially because of
    Moscow's support for separatist sentiments in Abkhazia and South
    Ossetia. Irina has been a witness to the violence that had unfolded in
    Abkhazia some years ago. She recalls, "I reached there a month before
    the war. When I saw a Russian military camp in the actual conflict
    zone I started to shoot immediately. There were about a hundred tanks
    crossing over from the Russian side."

    On that occasion Irina was arrested and questioned for an entire day.
    The authorities deleted all her pictures, even the ones that were not
    related to the war zone. While she was shaken up by the incident - "as
    a photographer if you witness something unwanted then you're in real
    danger" - she does not regret her decision to go there.

    While Anahit and Irina tell stories of social impact, war, drugs,
    subcultures and faith, Italian Guia Besana, 41, who is based in Paris,
    is equally at ease with shooting a corporate project for a leading
    international chain of coffee shops or portraying the lonely lives of
    AIDS victims in Swaziland. A Marie Claire Photography Award (2012)
    finalist, whose works have been recognised on various photography
    platforms, Guia says, "All my projects have touched me. 'Traces',
    which was about AIDS victims left a very deep impression on me as did
    the project 'She', a poignant story that expressed the conflict of
    Laura, the first man in Italy who underwent a sex-change surgery."

    On her website, Guia describes how she is "very drawn to my subjects
    that have conflict and contradictions". She describes her meeting with
    Laura: 'I listened to her story trying to fix gestures that could well
    represent her strong personality. I discovered an elegant woman, an
    excellent cook, a wise and creative friend.... My desire was to bring
    alive this project through images representing my personal vision of
    her, her disguises, of fiction and non fiction, showing a fragment of
    her soul.'

    Of course, it isn't easy doing the kind of work these women do. As is
    evident from Irina's experience, many a time they not only face the
    wrath of the State but also public ire. Irina puts it this way,
    "Everyone asks what a photographer does when s/he sees a situation
    that needs intervening. That's a heavy moral dilemma. But there are
    also times when a photographer becomes the victim. I feel
    photographers in general face a lot of aggression."

    Anahit, whose brilliant pictures have fetched her numerous awards
    including the "People and Faces" Karl Bulla International Photo
    contest's first prize in the "Family portrait" category, the special
    prize by the governor of Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2012, and the
    President's Prize in Armenia, adds, "Very often I do face problems
    from the police and even ordinary people but I try not to notice them.
    The main idea is to just go out and start taking pictures."

    What about the time they invest in striking a relationship with their
    subjects? Do they go back once they have moved on to something new?
    All of them unanimously declare that they make it a point to stay in
    touch. Anahit still tracks the lives of the refugees she met in a
    building as part of her maiden project. She says, "The kids from that
    building are now living in apartments. They have all grown up. One of
    them is a boxing champion in Armenia now. Soon, I plan to shoot a
    small story about him [and his journey of becoming] a boxer."

    The protagonists of her 'Cuban Women' project are still in touch with
    Irina and have even sought her help in finding eligible Western men!
    "Occasionally, I show these photos to my audience, telling them the
    stories of these girls and asking if anyone would be interested in
    marrying one of them. Usually, people simply laugh," reveals Irina.

    Women photographers are indeed a unique species - they take risks,
    they make lasting relationships with their subjects, they strive to
    capture unseen realities. And they do all this in the hope of making
    the world a better, fairer place.
