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S. Nasrallah: EU Decision Is Involvement In Any Israeli Aggression

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  • S. Nasrallah: EU Decision Is Involvement In Any Israeli Aggression

    Eslam al-Rihani

    Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah said on Wednesday
    that the latest EU decision regarding Hezbollah will only doom to
    failure, advising the European states to soak their paper in water
    and drink it, for the Resistance will remain vital and victorious by
    the will of Allah Almighty.

    Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan NasrallahDuring his speech
    at the annual Iftar ceremony held by the Women's Committee of Islamic
    Resistance Support Association of Hezbollah, Sayyed Nasrallah noted
    that the resistance has its own presence and influence in the regional
    equations, and has been always a concern at the Lebanese, Arab,
    regional and international levels, whether positively or negatively.

    "A positive interest from those who believe in the resistance,
    pin their hopes on it and consider it to be a source of pride, and
    negative interest from those who consider it a source of threat for
    their occupation and hegemony," he said.

    His eminence indicated that the Resistance is not on the margin
    and there is always attempts to eliminate and crush it, whether
    militarily, politically, morally or culturally, expressing beliefs
    that such decisions have no more than psychological effects.

    "The most important for the Lebanese Resistance is to get the support
    of its people and to express their will, pride and view in defending
    their land and their sovereignty."

    Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that "Resistance has gained credibility
    among people in Lebanon and the Arab and Islamic world and in many
    places of the world due to its sacrifices and steadfastness because
    it did not back down, retreat or get defeated and also due to its
    achievements and field victories."

    "Resistance has changed the game rules and dropped projects and
    liberated captives, dignity and sovereignty of Lebanon. It also imposed
    a leading position for Lebanon in the region and will remain a solid
    fork in the eye of the Zionists and those who want Lebanon to get
    worse," his eminence added.

    Touching on the EU member-states' decision that blacklisted what they
    dubbed 'the military wing' of Hezbollah, Sayyed Nasrallah said that
    the decision has been announced in the media without issuing a formal
    statement to unfold its motives, evidence and logic.

    His eminence noted that the EU official statement will be issued within
    days, and the party will see then whether it will hold any argument
    or logic to be discussed, pointing out that the historical course of
    the European states confirms that their stance is not subjected to
    any values.

    Thanking all presidents, leaders, personalities and institutions that
    rejected the EU decision and condemned it, his eminence stated that
    the party wasn't surprised by the decision but the leadership has
    expected it since the previous period.

    Iftar 2013Hezbollah Secretary General went on to say that the Zionists
    have expressed that the decision was the result of diplomatic efforts
    they exerted, recommending some of those who rejoiced in Lebanon to
    hide their joy a little bit so they wouldn't express the same state
    of happiness as the Israelis.

    Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that the EU countries have insulted
    themselves and their principles, interests and sovereignty when they
    submitted to the Israelis and Americans, stating that "EU countries
    should know they are giving legal cover for Israel to launch any war on
    Lebanon because Israel can claim it is waging war on the terrorists."

    "These countries make themselves a full partner in the Israeli
    aggression on Lebanon, on the Resistance and on any target for the
    resistance in Lebanon."

    The Lebanese Resistance leader asked why the military wing of
    Israeli army wouldn't be put on the list of terror? While the EU
    "repeatedly admits that Israel occupies Arab land and does not
    implement international resolutions since tens of years, and the
    whole world witnessed the Israeli massacres."

    He also voiced that the EU stance is subjected to the interests and
    pressures, not to the values and principles, where its effects are
    nothing more than psychological.

    "In this country, resistance fighters fought the Israeli occupation
    and have endured a lot of pressure and sacrificed martyrs. Then
    you come to those who are the sons of this people and say they are
    terrorists. This is a very bad abuse for the fighters, for their
    people, and for their successive governments that were supporting
    the Resistance by their ministerial statements," he said.

    "This is bad for Lebanon and the Lebanese government and people and
    not only for Resistance fighters," he added, stressing that "this
    will not undermine our morale."

    Addressing the European states, Sayyed Nasrallah said: "We are
    nationalists even in holidays. You can retake the visas you were
    granting for us. We do not have money in Europe. We do not have
    commercial or trade projects in Lebanon or abroad. therefore, this
    decision has no effects in this regard."

    "Yesterday, European delegates in Lebanon tried to say that the
    decision will not affect relations with Lebanon," recalling that some
    in the March 14 bloc are working to frustrate the people and descend
    walls on their hopes.

    "This decision aims at making us bow, to force us to step back and
    to be afraid. But I tell you that all you will get is failure and
    frustration," his eminence told the European Union.

    Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan NasrallahIn the same context,
    Hezbollah Secretary General said that those who think that the
    resistance, which confronted in such days the strongest army in the
    region over 33 days, will be undermined by a silly decision is either
    will be subjugated by this decision are either delusional or ignorant.

    "This decision will not be able to achieve any of its goals and we
    invite them (EU states) to correct this mistake because it will not
    lead to result," he stressed.

    "Dip it (the decision) in water and drink it," he added to the EU.

    Touching on the local situation, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the other
    camp in Lebanon will not be able to exploit the decision in their
    domestic political calculations, or to isolate the party and form a
    cabinet without it.

    "A government without Hezbollah will not be formed, not because we
    are eager for it but for other things."

    His eminence jokingly suggested that Hezbollah's ministers in the
    next government will be of the military wing of the party. "So do
    not bet on exploiting the decision internally," he told the Lebanese
    political rivals.

    "We call for the formation of a political government that preserve
    Lebanon and play in the heart of the storms moving around us."

    "Resistance will remain and will be victorious by God's Will,"
    Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah concluded.

    Source: Al-Manar Website eccatid=14&s1=1

    24-07-2013 - 23:49 Last updated 24-07-2013 - 23:49 | 207 View
