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Heirs Of Genocide Survivors Found Each Other At Malatya Family Tomb

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  • Heirs Of Genocide Survivors Found Each Other At Malatya Family Tomb

    12:32, 26 July, 2013

    YEREVAN, JULY 26, ARMENPRESS: Grigor Marc Kazuryan is one of the heirs
    of the people, who managed to survive on the way from the Armenian
    Malatya during the times of the Armenian Genocide.

    Surviving the massacres, they lost everything: their friends,
    relatives, houses, gardens and fields and settled in France to
    build a new life there. As reported by Armenpress, the Turkish presents the story and the emotions of Grigor,
    who has come to Malatya to find his roots.

    "My father was born in France, I was also born in France. My four
    children were born in France too. But to the question - where are
    you from - we answer "From Malatya". We pronounce these words with
    pride and nostalgia", - told Grigor Kazuryan, whose grandfather was
    one of the Armenian Genocide survivors. The father of Grigor, who is
    86 at present, has not forgiven the Turks for the exile and massacre
    of his family.

    "The Armenians in Turkey are still being offended and kept silent
    under pressure and fear. Even the ghost of the Genocide makes a person
    upside-down. Saying "forget" does not help forgetting the pain. It
    is not an easy thing to be a Diaspora Armenian", - said Grigor.

    Grigor Marc Kazuryan told how he saw several people gathered at
    the tombstone named Kazuryan with Armenian letters at the Armenian
    cemetery in Malatya. They have come from Istanbul and were praying.

    Grigor thought that the people might be his relatives, about whom he
    had no idea. "The tombstone made the Armenians, survived the Genocide,
    meet", - said Grigor with excitement. He noted that he is going to
    take a handful of soil from Malatya to France for his father and
    children, with which they will also touch the pains and the uncured
    scars of their ancestors. "Hrant Dink once said: "We have an eye on
    these lands, but not to take them with us, but to be buried here".

    Maybe my father will not have the opportunity to be buried in his
    grandfathers' land, but he would like to be buried having at his
    heart a handful of soil from Malatya...", - said Grigor Marc Kazuryan

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress