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Shavarsh Kocharyan: Territorial Integrity Of Azerbaijan Has Nothing

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  • Shavarsh Kocharyan: Territorial Integrity Of Azerbaijan Has Nothing


    26-07-2013 15:36:02 | Armenia | Politics

    How would you comment the statement of the president of Azerbaijan
    after the army parade that Armenia is frightened because of the parade
    and the military expenditure of Azerbaijan?

    This nervous proclamation which is triggered by a wish to present
    the unrealistic dreams as a reality is just another failed attempt
    by Azerbaijani administration to hide its own fear and panic over
    the inescapable perspective to lose the hereditary power as a result
    of growing discontent in the country. Continuous publications about
    the exaggerated military expenses and glorification of the military
    parade on a daily basis organized on the threshold of the presidential
    elections first of all are intended to distract domestic public
    attention from the huge wealth of the ruling family of Azerbaijan
    which has been obtained by the unsparing plundering of the state
    and population.

    How can you assess the statements of official Baku that Karabakh and
    Armenia are located on Azerbaijani territories and that Armenians
    are newcomers in our region?

    The fact that it is less than one hundred years that a country named
    Azerbaijan appeared on the world map, cannot justify the funny attempts
    of Azerbaijan to deny references of many world renowned historians
    like Strabo, Plutarch and many others. On the other side the official
    historiography of Turkey accepts that Turks have come to our region
    from Central Asia. The leadership of Azerbaijan which classifies its
    relations with Turkey with a coined term "one nation, two states",
    in fact admits that the nation which got the name "Azerbaijani"
    only in 1930's is a newcomer nation in this region.

    There is nothing insulting in this and one shouldn't be ashamed of it.

    But it is shameful to cut own people from their roots and falsify
    the history.

    Such ridiculous statements of official Baku only prove that both
    foreign and internal policy of Azerbaijan is totally based on lie and
    falsification. Azerbaijani propaganda tries to ascribe to Armenians
    even the massacres organized by themselves in Khojalu. It seems to
    Baku that the Azerbaijani leadership can avoid the responsibility for
    the cruel mass killings of Armenians in Sumgait, Baku, Kirovabad and
    other places in Azerbaijan, just with the use of falsified propaganda
    on Khojalu tragedy.

    The president of Azerbaijan declares that Armenians are their number
    one enemy. In fact, the truth is, the main enemy of Azerbaijani
    leadership. For the hereditary regime which has stuck in the lie, the
    words "Armenian" and "the truth" have become synonyms. That is why
    any criticism by international organizations and individuals about
    the flourishing corruption and pervasive violations of basic human
    rights are considered as a result of the activities of Armenians and
    pro-Armenian groups.

    You mentioned Turkey which supports the position of Azerbaijan in
    Karabakh issue and denies Armenian Genocide. How do you assess the
    possibility of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations from
    this perspective?

    Turkey is not consistent in its foreign policy. In defiance of the
    letter and the spirit of the Armenian-Turkish protocols signed in
    Zurich, Ankara supports the unrealistic intentions of Azerbaijan
    and contributing to the rigid/intransigent position of Baku, creates
    obstacles for both the progress of the Nagorno-Karabakh negotiation
    process and normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations. In contrast,
    Armenia is consistent in all directions of its foreign policy. We have
    been and are supporters of unconditional normalization of relations
    with Turkey. So the ball is on Turkish side.

    Recently meetings with the Co-Chairs of the OSCE Minsk Group have
    become more frequent and after every meeting Azerbaijan declares that
    the conflict must be resolved in the framework of territorial integrity
    of Azerbaijan. In what extent do those announcements correspond to
    the negotiation process?

    First of all, the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan has nothing to do
    with Nagorno-Karabakh Republic. As regards the negotiations with the
    mediation of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chair countries Azerbaijan has
    accepted Madrid document as a basis for negotiations. The principles
    and elements of Madrid document which were made public by the heads
    of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair countries should be considered
    as an integrated whole and no elements should be selected over the
    others. This was reaffirmed in the Joint statement by the Presidents
    of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chair Countries on June 18, 2013.

    Azerbaijan, in contradiction with the UN charter, the principles
    and elements of Madrid document and the negotiation process, tries
    to attach prevalence to the principle of territorial integrity and
    throw to oblivion the principle that it has accepted, according to
    which the final legal status of Nagorno-Karabakh should be determined
    through a legally binding expression of will.

    The attempts of Azerbaijan to present the negotiation process in
    distorted and selective way, to present falsely the essence of the
    issue and the reasons of the conflict, to diminish the efforts of
    the OSCE Minsk Group Co-Chairs and to obstruct the progress of the
    negotiation process, are useless. Despite the desperate attempts of
    Azerbaijan the conflict will be regulated in the framework of the right
    of self-determination of the people of Artsakh and in the framework of
    the responsibility for the consequences of the Azerbaijani aggression
    against self-determined Artsakh.

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    From: Baghdasarian