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Syrian, Egyptian Christians seek refuge in Caucasus, but not all pla

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  • Syrian, Egyptian Christians seek refuge in Caucasus, but not all pla

    Alaska Dispatch
    July 27 2013

    Syrian, Egyptian Christians seek refuge in Caucasus, but not all plan to stay

    Nicholas Clayton||

    July 27, 2013

    TBILISI, Georgia - Ever since ouster of Egyptian strongman President
    Hosni Mubarak two years ago, Adel has faced a difficult dilemma: Leave
    behind a relatively cushy life in Egypt or stay and risk
    discrimination and violence as religious and sectarian tensions rise.

    Visa restrictions are narrowing his options, so the successful,
    middle-class Coptic Christian and the father of two says he's
    considering uprooting his family to start anew in an unlikely place: A
    small ex-Soviet country with a different language, culture and climate
    from his own.

    `In Egypt, it's difficult to get visas to the U.S. or Europe,'
    50-year-old Adel says. `We didn't chose Georgia, Georgia is choosing

    He's not alone. Christian minorities from both Egypt and Syria are
    starting to look to the South Caucasus countries of Georgia and
    Armenia as a refuge from violence and uncertainly.

    The choice isn't as random as it may seem. Sandwiched between Turkey,
    Iran and Russia's predominately Muslim North Caucasus regions, both
    Georgia and Armenia have ancient Christian traditions dating back to
    the 4th century. Their churches are closely related to the Copts and
    other Eastern Christian confessions.

    Georgia has issued nearly 2,000 visas to Egyptians this year - almost
    all to Coptic Christians - after giving out just 222 last year,
    according to government figures cited by Eurasianet. The country of
    4.5 million now estimates about 2,500 Egyptians live there.

    Armenia has gone as far as announcing the creation of `New Aleppo' - a
    housing development outside the capital Yerevan that has reportedly
    drawn interest from 600 Syrian Armenian families.

    More than 7,000 Syrian Armenians have already expressed the desire to
    relocate to Armenia, according to the Armenian government, which sees
    the possible immigrants as a potential boost to a stagnant economy and
    population fall.

    Adel, who asked that his last name not be used for fear of reprisals
    against his family, said that although Christians faced discrimination
    under Mubarak's long rule, the Muslim Brotherhood's rise to power in
    2012 has increased pressure on religious minorities and led many of
    Egypt's estimated 5 million to 15 million Copts to look for the exits.

    Sipping tea in the offices of a legal consultancy in the Georgian
    capital Tbilisi tailored to arriving Arabs - and set up by an Egyptian
    Copt eight months ago - Adel is still weighing his options.

    Although he supports the Egyptian military's ouster of the Muslim
    Brotherhood government earlier this month, he says he fears the
    Islamist organization will be `just as dangerous out of power.'

    Despite having a son in university and another finishing high school,
    he says he's already decided to leave Egypt. Both would face major
    difficulties finishing their studies in Georgia, where the curriculum
    differs greatly and would require proficiency in the Georgian

    Across Tbilisi, another Coptic immigrant smokes in lobby of the small
    hostel he opened in April. Although he arrived just this January with
    his wife and daughter, the 39-year-old, who asked to be named Ahmed,
    said he already plans to return to his homeland as soon as he recoups
    the $20,000 he invested in the venture.

    Despite fears of a prolonged post-coup crisis, Ahmed says he's
    confident the threats to Christian communities in Egypt will abate and
    has warned other Copts not to come to Georgia.

    `Georgia is a nice country with nice people, but it's not a suitable
    place for business or a permanent stay,' he said.

    The country's entrenched poverty and unemployment makes it a difficult
    economy for immigrants and entrepreneurs, he explained.

    Although the World Bank estimates Georgia's 2012 GDP per capita as
    slightly higher than Egypt's at $3,508, 31 percent of Georgians said
    in a June poll that they are `unemployed and looking for a job.'

    The situation is similar in Armenia. Like the Copts in Egypt, Syrian
    Armenians have long been supporters of the secular government of
    President Bashar al-Assad. Many fear retribution from rebels should
    the civil war drag on or if Assad falls.

    Yerevan has gone as far as to offer passports to Syrians with Armenian
    heritage at its consulates in Syria. But Richard Giragosian, director
    of the Yerevan-based Regional Security Center, says that Armenia's
    sluggish economy and endemic corruption make it an unattractive
    destination for its worldwide diaspora - even for those fleeing war.

    `Despite the apparent urgency of the crisis for Armenians in Syria,
    Armenia remains a remote and distant focus,' Giragosian wrote in
    Oxford Analytica in December. `Even some of those now coming to
    Yerevan may be only treating it as a temporary refuge.'

    Georgia's secessionist province of Abkhazia has also sought to attract
    immigrants fleeing strife in the Middle East. Abkhazia has been free
    from Georgian control since forcing out government troops in a
    1993-1994 conflict and has been recognized as independent by Russia
    and a few of its allies.

    Largely depopulated after forcing out more than 200,000 ethnic
    Georgians following the war, it has now invited Syrian Circassians to
    settle there. Circassians are ethnically linked to the Abkhaz: they
    were expelled from the Caucasus in the late 19th century by the
    Russian Empire and many ended up scattered throughout the Middle East.

    Abkhazia claims it has welcomed and housed about 400 refugee families
    from Syria.

    Back in Tbilisi, Adel says he'll return to Egypt to contemplate his
    next move after four weeks checking out Georgia.

    `It's a small, mostly poor country and none of us knew anything about
    it until the Muslim Brotherhood [came to power],' he said.

    `It's difficult to see how we'll be able to maintain our lifestyle
    here. But it's better than Egypt.'
