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Armenians to fight against rise in tuition fees

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  • Armenians to fight against rise in tuition fees

    Armenians to fight against rise in tuition fees

    July 27, 2013 | 13:42

    YEREVAN. - Five Armenian universities have raised student tuition
    fees, member of Armenia's Public Council said.

    Hripsime Margaryan, chairman of Council's subcommittee on youth
    affairs, noted that tuition fees were increased by AMD 100-150
    thousand at Armenian State University of Economics and by 200 thousand
    at the Yerevan Komitas State Conservatory. The Yerevan State
    University has increased tuition fees by AMD 20-200 thousand, too.

    `Meanwhile, Yerevan State University of Architecture and Construction
    increased tuition fees by 15 percent. This data is in contrast with
    the remarks made by Education Minister who claims the rise in price
    will make 20-100 thousand,' Hripsime Margaryan said.

    Referring to the means of struggle against the increase of tuition
    fees, she noted that it is planned to organize a meeting with the
    heads of universities' student councils.

    `The subcommittee on youth affairs will present a package of further
    actions in 1-2 weeks,' she added.

    Activist Ruben Alanakyan is confident that Armenia has not registered
    improvements in education sector.

    `We should not think about raising fees, but about the effective use
    of funds,' he said, adding that student protest movement is an
    acceptable way of struggle against rise in tuition fees.

    News from Armenia -
