June 04
Turkey is a state with unpredictable society as even an insignificant
event there may give rise to a new movement, Turkologist Ruben
Melkonian said at a meeting with reporters today. In his words,
one cannot rule out that an environmental movement may grow into a
political one.
"We should not forget that in Tunisia the death of a street vendor
became a catalyst for the revolution. I cannot say if a "Turkish
revolution" will start or not, but nothing can be ruled out,"
Melkonian noted.
He expressed an opinion that an internal political struggle has
begun between President Abdullah Gul who takes a soft stance and
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan whose position is rather tough.
As regards the Armenian community's involvement in the ongoing
developments in Turkey, Ruben Melkonian said that some of the Turkish
Armenians take an active part in these developments.
"Naturally, the Armenian community couldn't stand aside and the
most active of the Armenians in Turkey currently support the leftist
movement," the expert said.
TODAY, 19:08
June 04
Turkey is a state with unpredictable society as even an insignificant
event there may give rise to a new movement, Turkologist Ruben
Melkonian said at a meeting with reporters today. In his words,
one cannot rule out that an environmental movement may grow into a
political one.
"We should not forget that in Tunisia the death of a street vendor
became a catalyst for the revolution. I cannot say if a "Turkish
revolution" will start or not, but nothing can be ruled out,"
Melkonian noted.
He expressed an opinion that an internal political struggle has
begun between President Abdullah Gul who takes a soft stance and
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan whose position is rather tough.
As regards the Armenian community's involvement in the ongoing
developments in Turkey, Ruben Melkonian said that some of the Turkish
Armenians take an active part in these developments.
"Naturally, the Armenian community couldn't stand aside and the
most active of the Armenians in Turkey currently support the leftist
movement," the expert said.
TODAY, 19:08