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Armenia And Karabakh Are A Global Issue, And This Means A Lot

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  • Armenia And Karabakh Are A Global Issue, And This Means A Lot


    Interview with political scientist, expert at Strategic Studies
    Foundation Kayts Minasyan Serzh Sargsyan's absence at the CSTO summit
    is viewed by many as a sign of change of the political vector of
    Armenia. What do you think about it?

    Russia is a good ally of Armenia and once Armenia does not attend a
    Russian event, it causes discussions, because many think Armenia is
    not a sovereign country. While, Russia attaches great importance
    to Armenia which makes it easier for Armenia to talk to it and
    express concerns. For the first time, Armenia issued disagreement
    with the activities of those countries which support Azerbaijan
    arming it, specifically, for the first time, the Armenian president
    said dissatisfied with Moscow. The president's absence at the summit
    is the continuation of the expression of dissatisfaction. Russians
    understood that traditional policies won't bring to any result.

    Do you mean Soviet methods by traditional policies?

    Yes, also Putin's first and second terms. In order to rule out
    neighbors are dissatisfied, Russia needs to accept that they are
    sovereign, which does not mean that they are against Russia.

    In general, 2013 is very important for the sovereign countries of
    South Caucasus because Aliyev will win in Azerbaijan, Ivanishvili
    will probably win in Georgia. There is tension in Armenia. Armenia's
    capabilities are bigger today.

    So, Armenia does not even have the task to change the foreign course?

    No, Armenia is becoming more sovereign. Russia understood that it
    should give more freedom to its allies. There is no change in Armenia's
    position towards Russia, while the change exists in Russia's position
    towards Armenia. Both the president and the foreign minister of Armenia
    said many times that Armenia is Russia's ally but this does not mean
    that it will follow Russia for hundred percent. Armenia has become a
    more important state in the South Caucasus not thanks to its policies
    but because the international, geopolitical context has changed.

    What will the change of political vector give to Armenia?

    I think it is early to approach the European policies because Russians
    are not dissatisfied with Europe, and Europe is not the United States.

    We should go towards Europe, slowly but we should. Armenia has both
    European and ex-Soviet values and principles.

    The international context has changed, Russia's interests have
    changed but we have an internal issue and we should look at our
    friend countries differently, but this does not mean Russians have
    no levers to repress Armenia, but this pressure is different. For
    example, the gas price increase is a pressure; though with no result,
    but Armenia responded anyway.

    Besides, there is the Karabakh issue, where nothing has changed,
    since once Karabakh issue is solved, Russia will be unable to exert
    pressure on Armenia and Azerbaijan. The Armenian people should get
    used to living with the Karabakh issue unsolved, so we need to get
    stronger and more democratic. Armenia and Karabakh are a global issue
    and this means a lot.

    Siranuysh Papyan 19:13 04/06/2013 Story from News:

    From: Baghdasarian