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Crime Without Punishment?: 'Post-War Syndrome' Seen Behind Deadly Sh

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  • Crime Without Punishment?: 'Post-War Syndrome' Seen Behind Deadly Sh

    SOCIETY | 05.06.13 | 15:18


    Vahan Artsruni, Ruben Babayan
    ArmeniaNow reporter

    A string of recent high-profile crimes in the country, 'unmasking'
    certain politicians, better known to public as "neighborhood
    authorities or oligarchs", are the results of a postwar syndrome,
    representatives of Armenian intelligentsia think.

    Director of puppet theatre, film director Ruben Babayan says in
    reference to the weekend gunshots fired in the vicinity of Syunik
    governor Suren Khachatryan's mansion, leaving former Goris mayoral
    candidate Avetik Bughadyan dead, while his brother Artak Bughadyan,
    commander at a military unit in Nagorno Karabakh, along with one
    of Khachatryan's bodyguards got heavily wounded and hospitalized:
    "Both very decent people and criminals enjoying killing people take
    part in the war, then both return back to normal life. I believe it
    is obvious which category the governor of Syunik belongs to". (The
    reference is to the Nagorno Karabakh war, 1992-1994, and Suren
    Khachatryan's participation in it.)

    Drawing parallels between the Goris incident and the "Harsnakar
    affair", he says one is the logical continuation of the other. To
    remind, last summer former people believed to be MP Ruben Hayrapetyan's
    bodyguards beat to death young military doctor, army officer
    Vahe Avetyan at the Harsnakar restaurant complex belonging to the
    Hayrapetyan family.

    Composer, songwriter Vahan Artsruni is convinced that a crisis has
    begun among the ruling top brass, and all methods are good to keep
    the reign.

    Criminologist Sergey Galoyan recalls the April 23 shooting incident
    in Gyumri, with its former mayor Vardan Ghukasyan's son and nephew
    as accomplices: Artyom Karapetyan was killed, Harutyun Khachatryan
    was wounded and hospitalized.

    "Where is the honor and dignity of the police? Why won't they solve
    these crimes?" asks Galoyan.

    After the Gyumri incident, chief of police Vladimir Gasparyan said
    no longer issues would be solved by bloodshed in the country. Now he
    insists that if "certain blockheads don't get it, they will".

    Meanwhile, the Goris incident appears to prove the opposite.

    Heritage faction member Zaruhi Postanjyan wrote on her Facebook page:
    "Almost a year has passed since Vahe Avetyan's murder, and now again
    an officer of the armed forces is killed and again a high-ranking
    official is involved; what an unfair and brutal reality!

    Almost every week we hear about a death of a conscript, feel deep
    regret for their lost lives. We are witnesses of not simply impunity of
    high-ranking officials guilty of murder, but also their encouragement
    with state awards. The chief employer and sponsor of the high-ranking
    officials committing crimes, which have become a common thing, is
    [President] Serzh Sargsyan."

    Babayan believes people in Armenia come to power not to draft laws,
    but to find ways to bypass them.

    "Armenia is founded on the basis of criminals rather than qualified
    professionals. The political fight has started from within, among
    themselves [the criminal elite]. The criminal world has started
    destroying itself, guided by the mafia rules," says the film director
    with conviction.
