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Armenia Celebrates Great Composer Aram Khachaturian's 110th Birth An

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  • Armenia Celebrates Great Composer Aram Khachaturian's 110th Birth An


    June 6, 2013 - 14:02 AMT

    PanARMENIAN.Net - Armenia is celebrating great composerAram
    Khachaturian's 110th birth anniversary on June 6.

    Aram Ilyich Khachaturian was born on 6 June 1903 in Tbilisi,
    Georgia, into a poor Armenian family. In 1921 he moved to Moscow,
    soon entering the Gnessin Institute as a cellist and, in 1925,
    beginning composition studies, transferring in 1929 to the Moscow
    Conservatory and Myaskovsky's class.

    >From earliest years he was fascinated by Armenian folk-music, and
    'oriental' sounds and melodies, graduating with a work in this style,
    the First Symphony (1934). Around the same time he married the composer
    Nina Makarova, a fellow student from Myaskovsky's class. In 1936,
    his substantial and popular Piano Concerto included Georgian as well
    as Armenian elements within a lushly romantic framework. This was
    followed by a first ballet, Happiness (1939), set on a Soviet-Armenian
    collective farm. These three large-scale works established him as a
    leading Soviet composer and he was showered with honours.

    1940 saw two key works: incidental music for a production of
    Lermontov's Masquerade, from which he produced a charming suite evoking
    the aristocratic world of early 19th century St.Petersburg; and the
    brilliant and easily accessible Violin Concerto for David Oistrakh.

    During World War II Happiness was reworked as the patriotic ballet
    Gayaneh, with its famous 'Sabre dance'. In 1943 came the epic
    Second Symphony, a vivid chronicle of the struggles of war ending
    in a rousingly optimistic finale. The colourful Third Symphony that
    followed (Symphony-Poem, 1947, for orchestra, organ and 16 trumpets)
    did not save him from brutal criticism at the 1948 Composers' Congress
    for crimes of 'formalism'. He responded with patriotic works including
    Ode in Memory of Lenin (1949)..

    After Stalin's death in 1953, Khachaturian was active as a public
    figure, being among the first to press for a relaxation of the
    harsh musical and artistic conditions in the Soviet Union. He was
    also writing, teaching and travelling a great deal (in 1955 he met
    Sibelius), and working on his massive 4-act ballet, Spartacus (1956),
    set in ancient Rome but with plenty of exotic elements and lashings
    of orchestral colour in the music.

    In his last years he wrote several more concertos, as well as chamber
    music, much of it still hardly known, even in Russia and Armenia. He
    died in Moscow on 1 May 1978.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress