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Medicine Prices Keep Increasing, Yet The Law-Breaker Company Only Re

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  • Medicine Prices Keep Increasing, Yet The Law-Breaker Company Only Re

    Friday, 31 May 2013 16:29

    In the pharmacies of Stepanakert some medicine prices have increased
    again. According to the consumers medicine prices keep increasing
    for the recent months, lately, however, the prices on "Prestance",
    "Prestarium" and some other medicines have whirled upward. Nobody
    explains what similar growth is conditioned by, yet the fact is that
    each time the citizens have to pay more money, some of them even told
    us that they apply to the physicians with the request to prescribe
    cheaper medicines.

    The NKR State Committee Regulating the Public Services and the Economic
    Competition studied the market as well. The results of the studies
    recorded no abuse of rights in 6 of the 7 dominating pharmaceutical
    entities, yet because of the striking difference between the delivery
    and sales price indexes of some medicines recorded in "Pharmacia"
    CJSC they started an administrative case within the framework of which
    some inspections of the medicine prices for the period between July 1,
    2012, to March 1, 2013, were carried out in the company.

    The inspections revealed that the growth of a number of medicine
    prices was not stipulated by the economic conditions and the rate of
    profitableness exceeds the price index by more than 5 percent which is
    an abuse of power. The "Pharmacia" CJSC was bound to repair the above
    mentioned breach by readjusting some medicine prices and preparing
    a 10-to-15-percent fall in prices. The committee's inspections also
    showed that the prices on all the medicines which are dominant in
    demand fell by 8-15% and the prices on other medicines by 5-20%,
    the state committee regulating the public services and the economic
    competition announced during its recently held session.

    Taking into account the fact that this was the first breach recorded
    in the company and all the circumstances which served a basis for
    this breach of law were eliminated the committee decided to issue
    a warning and assigned the "Pharmacia" CJSC to exclude any kind of
    breaches in their activity in future.

    Today, however, our citizens buy medicine at higher prices and still
    it is not clear how much the medicine people continually buy will cost
    in a few days. And the extra paid money never enters the citizens'
    "common pocket", that is the state budget.
