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A Long Way With Liska

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  • A Long Way With Liska


    In the evening of June 5 the governor's office of Syunik made a
    statement unveiling the details of the incident in front of the house
    of Syunik governor Suren Khachatryan referring to the video recordings
    of the security cameras of governor's house. Note that the incident
    killed one and injured two.

    Sona Truzyan, the press secretary of Prosecutor's Office, said what
    the governor's office did is unacceptable. According to her, it is
    prohibited to publish information relating to the case during the
    investigation when no official conclusion is in place yet.

    However, she failed to answer the question how the governor's office
    will be held responsible for publishing prohibited information.

    As the governor's office is not held responsible, the society can
    consider the story published by the governor's office as a non-formal
    version of the government. Hence this is an attempt to defend Surik
    Khachatryan, his son and his bodyguard.

    Anyway, even if the governor's office is held responsible, they could
    accuse the guard of the governor's office, for example, for issuing a
    statement on behalf of another government agency, so they could sack
    the security guard or he could temporarily suspend his competences of
    guard. By and large, there is no difference.

    If nothing has changed so far after several cases of murder, years of
    violence, humiliation and rape, nothing will change if the governor's
    office is held responsible.

    If anything was meant for change, Serzh Sargsyan's speech at the
    National Security Council session would not have focused on
    predictions of Azerbaijan's future.

    Evidently, Serzh Sargsyan is going to help Liska. Apparently, Serzh
    Sargsyan relies on Liska and the office of Syunik governor during the
    regional rearrangement. It is not ruled out that the speech about the
    fall of Azerbaijan was produced by the office of Syunik governor for
    Serzh Sargsyan who will go a long way hand in hand with Liska and the
    office of Syunik governor. Or they will be sent far away, because the
    global realities are built on more serious factors, and high-quality
    works are encouraged rather than regional detective jokes.

    11:03 06/06/2013
    Story from News:
