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RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Meets With The President Of Latvia

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  • RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan Meets With The President Of Latvia


    On June 6 in Riga the President of Latvia Andris Bcrziòð received
    the delegation led by the RA NA President Hovik Abrahamyan.

    Welcoming the NA President of Armenia and the members of the
    delegation, the President of Latvia has highly assessed the current
    level of the Armenian-Latvian cooperation, the relations established
    between Armenia and Latvia, which serve an important pledge for
    further development and deepening of cooperation in different spheres.

    With respect to deepening the bilateral relations Andris Bcrziòð
    highlighted the official visit of the NA President Hovik Abrahamyan
    to Latvia, deeming necessary the further development of the
    inter-parliamentary relations, the activation of the bilateral
    contacts, as well as the deepening of cooperation in the spheres
    of economy, science, education, culture and other spheres. In this
    context the President of Latvia emphasized the implementation of
    concrete programmes. President Bcrziòð has underlined that Latvia
    supports Armenia in the process of European integration and has
    proposed backing and experience of Latvia in this issue.

    Thanking for warm reception the NA President Hovik Abrahamyan has
    said that the Armenian authorities attach great importance to the
    contacts of high level with Latvia and has noted with satisfaction
    that during the recent period the Armenian-Latvia political agenda
    has been rather full. Hovik Abrahamyan has informed the President of
    Latvia that during his visit an agreement has been reached with the
    Speaker of the Latvian Saiema in deepening the cooperation between
    the parliaments, and during the meeting with the Prime Minister the
    necessity of giving a long-term and mutually beneficial nature to the
    economic relations has been highlighted. In Mr Abrahamyanÿs word,
    Armenia highlights the development of relations with the EU member
    countries and parliaments, and the Eastern Partnership moves to another
    qualitative plane the cooperation with the European countries, opening
    new perspectives for Armenia and the Summit to be held in Vilnius in
    November of this year and pre-signing of the Association Agreement
    will be an important basis for further deepening of relations. The
    Head of the Armenian Parliament has emphasized the enlivening of
    the bilateral trade-economic relations, noting in this context that
    their level does not reflect the current potential for cooperation. He
    highlighted the activity of the Inter-Governmental Committee.

    In the course of the meeting the sides touched upon the issues
    concerning the NK problem and the regional problems. Mr Abrahamyan
    has stressed that Armenia sees the settlement of the Karabakh problem
    only within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group, as a result of
    peaceful negotiations. The President of Latvia also highlighted the
    solution of the problem through peaceful means in the dimension of
    the OSCE Minsk Group.

    During the meeting both sides also discussed other issues of
    bilateral interest and deemed important the deepening of cooperation
    in international structures.
