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Opinion About The Incident In Goris: "Suren Khachatryan Will Be Defi

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  • Opinion About The Incident In Goris: "Suren Khachatryan Will Be Defi


    June 6 2013

    "Everything Comes From The Atmosphere Of Impunity. We All Know That In
    The Past There Were Cases When They Remained Unpunished, The Majority
    Of Them Are Connected To Suren Khachatryan Or Those Close To Him, And
    That Impunity Has Reached To The Point That This Case Ended In Death.

    There Seems That Such A Thing, Anyway, Was To Happen Because A Man Of
    Criminal Mentality And Psychology Restrains His Behavior Only In Case
    Of Being Afraid Of The Law. If During This Time They Remain Unpunished,
    Either People Will Become Self-Organized To Self-Defend From Those
    Criminal Methods, Or The Situation Will Really Become Unpredictable,
    - Such Opinion Was Expressed By The Former Deputy Mayor Of Kapan,
    A Member Of The ARF, Editor Of Local Newspaper "Kapan News" Gagik
    Ghahramanyan Concerning The Recent Case In Goris. We Failed To Find
    Other People To Express Their Opinion Regarding The Event In Goris,
    Many Of Them Refused To Talk From Different Reasons, Especially
    They Avoided To Express Publicly, So Instead Of Opinion Of Different
    People, We Will Present The Point Of View Of The Sole Interlocutor
    And His Assessment About The Incident. "At The Moment Everything
    Is Not Clear, Let The Investigation Do The Job: Actually I Do Not
    Know Who To What Extent And What Participation Have Had, Various
    Versions Are Circulating, In Any Case, I Know That It Is Connected
    With The Surrounding Of Suren Khachatryan. The Problem, Here, Is Not
    That Suren Khachatryan Will Be Resigned Or Not, Or To What Extent He
    Will Be punished .... It does not interest me much, the phenomenon
    should be eliminated, this is the most important thing", - said Gagik
    Ghahramanyan indicating that it is very important for the president
    and the government give assessment to the phenomenon, because many
    people now expect whether a move will be made to restore the trust of
    the people towards the justice in the country, or not. "The President
    here has a very big problem. It is a watershed. Either the President
    proves the opinion that he is simply the number one issue solver of
    criminal-police system in Armenia, or he lays claim to eventually
    become president, why not the worldwide Armenian leader, too. If he
    does not take this step and wil not give adequate response to in the
    range of the law, he will lose the control over many things: first
    people will become sure that it is senseless to rely on the justice
    of the law in this country, in such cases, it is going to reserve
    the right to solve the issues by evading the law, an unmanageable
    situation will be created, naturally another ugly and worse outcome
    of a situation will be created, it is important whether it will be
    in Goris, Kapan or Dilijan", - said Ghahramanyan and added if an
    adequate step is not made, in such situations people will become
    self-organized and will give a worthy response. In given situation,
    my interlocutor considers the position of the parties important and
    recommends them to make concrete statements instead of one or two
    meaningless statements, because this is the case when parties are those
    who reach the speech of people to the political field." And as for the
    future process of the case, in my opinion, however, Suren Khachatryan
    will definitely be resigned. And who will come to replace him, I can
    not say, names of various candidates are circulated, at this point
    it's not so important for me, the most important thing for me is that
    the person of such values is not a governor, in normal countries the
    person of such values, like Suren Khachatryan, will not occupy such
    a high position in the administrative system. The very fact that he
    is in the office of a Governor for 10 years, says about the fact that
    the system is a sick system", - said the former Deputy Mayor of Kapan,
    ARF Gagik Ghahramanyan. Meri Soghomonyan

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