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Scholars Speak Out Against Legitimizing Genocide Deniers

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  • Scholars Speak Out Against Legitimizing Genocide Deniers

    Scholars Speak Out Against Legitimizing Genocide Deniers
    Friday, June 7th, 2013

    Genocide denial

    [The] willingness to ascribe to the deniers and their myths the legitimacy
    of a point of view is of as great, if not greater,
    concern than are the activities of the deniers themselves.
    - Deborah Lipstadt

    WATERTOWN, Mass. (Armenian Weekly) - The participation of a number of
    Armenian studies and genocide studies scholars in the conference `The
    Caucasus at the Imperial Twilight' in Tbilisi, Georgia, organized by
    Prof. M. Hakan Yavuz of the University of Utah and sponsored by the
    Turkish Coalition of America (TCA) has generated a controversy in the
    diaspora as well as in Armenia over the enabling of genocide denial.

    The individual and organization at the heart of this conference have
    for much of the past decade been actively engaged in efforts to extend
    denial of the Armenian genocide into academia as well as in the
    political realm in North America.

    Since 2009, the Turkish Coalition of America (TCA), established in
    2007, has pumped at least $900,000 into the Yavuz-directed Utah
    Turkish Studies Project as a continuation of the decades-long campaign
    to deny, diminish, or otherwise distort the history of the Armenian
    Genocide. Denial within academia has reached new heights through the
    publication of genocide denying books by the Utah University Press and
    other outlets and the organization of four (2010-2013) conferences of
    which the most recent is the conference in Tbilisi.

    The TCA has also lobbied aggressively to block recognition of the
    Armenian genocide and has engaged in legal actions against, most
    notoriously, the University of Minnesota and its Center for Holocaust
    and Genocide Studies (CHGS). The suit alleged defamation because the
    CHGS website had identified the TCA as an `unreliable' source on the
    Armenian genocide that engaged in genocide denial. The suit was
    dismissed and the dismissal upheld, with the decision stating that
    `the Center's statement about the TCA is true and, therefore, not
    actionable.' In addition, in 2011 the U.S. House of Representatives
    Ethics Committee ruled that the TCA had provided some $500,000 in
    improper gifts in the form of legal counsel to now former Ohio
    Representative Jean Schmidt.

    A key element of the TCA's mission is to normalize the presentation of
    denial of the Armenian Genocide within academia. This approach seeks
    to establish the Turkish state's denialist narrative as a legitimate
    historical viewpoint, as just another scholarly `perspective.' In
    order to succeed, however, they need legitimate scholars to function
    as `the other side.'

    By participating in the Tbilisi conference, scholars, whether
    intentionally or not, are providing just that `other side' of the
    `debate' over the Armenian genocide, argued several prominent scholars
    contacted by the Armenian Weekly.

    Prof. Richard Hovannisian
    `I learned a long time ago that providing a platform for deniers,
    under any guise, is a serious mistake because it affords them a claim
    to legitimacy. It is no less harmful to the cause of serious
    scholarship to participate in a conference organized and sponsored by
    a deceptive university professor and an organization that has
    repeatedly supported the publication of denial literature and
    initiated legal proceedings against institutions that exclude denial
    materials from their programs,' said Prof. Richard Hovannisian, former
    holder of the Armenian Educational Foundation Chair in Modern Armenian
    History at UCLA.

    `No matter how well-intended it may be, participation in such a
    conference confers on those behind it an unmerited status as partners
    in a scholarly dialogue when, I believe, the real purpose is to create
    doubt and undermine honest scholarly investigation,' added Prof.

    Prof. Roger Smith
    Prof. Roger Smith, a founding member of the International Association
    of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) and a former president of the association,
    concurred. `Invitations to conferences such as the one organized by
    Hakan Yavuz of the University of Utah, a university that has numerous
    graduate students who are churning out denial of the Armenian
    Genocide, are simply lures and traps,' he said. `Lures in the sense
    that it gives the appearance of welcoming dissenting views and appears
    to offer an opportunity to refute the narrative upheld by `historians
    who hold other views of what took place in 1915.' It suggests a debate
    and an assessment of the evidence: a normal process in scholarly
    inquiry. Some scholars may, not unreasonably, jump at the bait, and
    hope to dislodge the claims of those who argue that the Genocide never
    took place, that the Young Turk regime is not responsible for whatever
    happened, and that, in any case, the term `genocide' is not applicable
    for a variety of reasons. But the trap is when such well-known,
    non-denialist, scholars participate in such conferences, they
    inescapably offer legitimacy to the whole conference, to its
    framework. And that is precisely what the organizers seek: the
    appearance of legitimacy for bogus history,' he added.

    Marc Mamigonian
    Marc Mamigonian, the Director of Academic Affairs of the National
    Association for Armenian Studies and Research (NAASR), said, `Deniers
    have already hijacked the discussion of the Armenian genocide to an
    unhealthy extent through their efforts to manufacture doubt about
    established historical facts. Participating in forums organized and
    funded by individuals and entities who promote the Turkish state's
    denial of the Armenian genocide only contributes to the myth of a
    scholarly debate. This also undermines scholars who strive to create
    honest scholarship in the face of denial and intimidation. Denial - even
    if it carries a university imprint - must not legitimized and granted a
    place at the same table as scholarship, because it does not belong

    Prof. Keith Watenpaugh
    Prof. Keith Watenpaugh, Associate Professor of Modern Islam, Human
    Rights and Peace at UC Davis, said, `The Turkish Studies Project (TSP)
    at the University of Utah, which is the sponsor of this conference is
    funded by the Turkish Coalition of America (TCA). As a federal judge
    recently ruled, the TCA is a denialist organization. It uses its money
    and relationship with the University of Utah to support Armenian
    Genocide denial through publications and through conferences like the
    one in Tbilisi. Given the genocide denial framework established by the
    TSP and its director, the Political Scientist M. Hakan Yavuz, the
    participation by scholars - Armenian or otherwise - cannot help but lend
    legitimacy to its broader denialist enterprise. I would not
    participate in something like this. I am reluctant to criticize the
    few Armenian scholars who did participate, because I stand in
    solidarity with all those who resist denial and its corrosive effects,
    even if I don't agree with the way they go about doing it.'

    Watenpaugh added, `Instead we should be asking questions about the
    continued relationship between the University of Utah and the TCA. It
    is hard for me to understand why an important American research
    university would lend its good name to a political organization that
    seeks to violate academic freedom by, for example, bringing suit
    against the Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies at the
    University of Minnesota, and by promoting the falsification of history
    through its grants and political advocacy. The real issue here is the
    fact that the University of Utah has provided an institutional home to
    genocide denial.'

    `Armenians and others should be confident that there are more and
    better venues of interchange between Turks and Armenians in which
    elements of their shared past can be examined honestly and in a
    framework of legitimate historical enquiry. In fact scholarship on
    late-Ottoman Armenian society and history is one of the most vital
    fields of history today and the Armenian Genocide is firmly
    established in the global history of human rights and genocide
    studies,' Watenpaugh concluded.

    Prof. Debórah Dwork
    In turn, Prof. Debórah Dwork, the Director of the Strassler Center for
    Holocaust and Genocide Studies at Clark University, told the Armenian
    Weekly that `there is no reason - none! - to engage genocide deniers,
    whether they are deniers of the Armenian Genocide or of the Holocaust,
    or of any other genocide.' She explained, `A conference or debate
    offers them an arena to make their arguments. Why would I offer them
    such an arena? Speaking to them, or arguing with them elevates them to
    the status of legitimate scholars, and their positions to the status
    of legitimate history. We are not equals and there aren't two
    legitimate, equally historically valid `sides.''

    According to Prof. Dwork, `engaging with deniers allows them to set
    the issues to be discussed; it allows them to hijack the historical
    account. Why should I talk about the points they wish to raise? And
    please, would someone tell me why I should I waste my time refuting
    their arguments? Time is the coin of the scholarly realm, and if we
    spend it on deniers, we are not moving our research forward.' She
    concluded, `Engaging with deniers thus undermines history thrice over:
    it offers them a platform; it confers legitimacy upon them, and it
    diverts scholars from their own research which, of course, plumbs
    precisely the genocide the deniers refute.'
