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BAKU: Bryza: Decoupling Turkish-Armenian normalization from NK big m

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  • BAKU: Bryza: Decoupling Turkish-Armenian normalization from NK big m

    Trend, Azerbaijan
    June 7 2013

    Former US Ambassador: Decoupling Turkish-Armenian normalization
    process from Nagorno-Karabakh mediation process was big mistake

    Azerbaijan, Baku, June 7 / Trend S. Ahmadova /

    The EU and the US made a big mistake when decided to decouple the
    process of Turkey-Armenia normalization from the process of
    Nagorno-Karabakh mediation, the former US Ambassador to Azerbaijan
    Matthew Bryza told journalists on Friday.

    "It was a big mistake when we separated the two processes," Bryza
    said. "If there was a progress in one process, there will be in other
    as well."

    "Peace process on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict is in stagnation," he
    said. "However, that is not because there is no progress."
    "The two presidents have agreed on the whole series of basic
    settlement principles," he said. "There are few issues that have
    importance, but completely resolvable.

    He added that the two presidents' will is required to resolve this conflict.
