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Armenia between Brussels and Moscow

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  • Armenia between Brussels and Moscow

    Vestnik Kavkaza, Russia
    June 7 2013

    Armenia between Brussels and Moscow
    7 June 2013 - 10:35am

    David Stepanyan, Yerevan. Exclusively to `Vestnik Kavkaza'

    Traditionally Armenia is a country which actively participates in all
    events organized by the CSTO. It has been a member of the organization
    since its foundation in 1992. Armenia initiated a series of ideas
    which were implemented within cooperation between the CSTO members.
    That is why absence of Armenian President Serge Sargsyan at the
    informal summit of the CSTO on May 28th in Bishkek caused interest in

    Despite explanations of the press service that Serge Sargsyan didn't
    take part in the informal summit because it coincided with marking Day
    of the First Republic of Armenia, many people considered this step as
    certain demarche by the head of the state. President's rejection to
    visit Bishkek was associated with the rumors on problems in
    Armenian-Russian relations, which as if appeared because of gas
    prices' increasing.

    The Secretary of the National Security Council of Armenia Artur
    Bagdasaryan immediately told the mass media that non-participation of
    Armenian President in the informal summit of the CSTO couldn't be
    considered as demarche. Bagdasaryan stated that Serge Sargsyan has
    already stated on his participation in the official CSTO summit in
    December 2013.

    There are a lot of opinions disapproving statements from Yerevan. The
    leader of the opposition party `New Times' Aram Karapetyan says that
    the President's decision not to go to Bishkek is a real demarche. He
    accuses Sargsyan of a detailed, developed geopolitical concept and
    states that the geopolitical position of Srgsyan is based on the
    principle `who gives more.' Karapetyan thinks that absence of
    President in Bishkek is connected not with his foreign political
    approaches, but increasing Russian gas prices. And that is why Yerevan
    often speaks about European integration as an alternative today.

    These conclusions can be added with the information that Europe
    seriously promised 2 billion euro to Yerevan after signing the
    Association Agreement. It can be signed at the summit of Eastern
    Partnership in Vilnius which will be held on November 28-29, 2013.
    However, considering complete unclearness of what demands and what
    concessions the West will claim from Armenia , these billions will
    hardly improve the country.

    None of devoted supporters of European integration in Armenia can
    clearly answer a simple question on what Europe which is in the crisis
    today can give to Armenia in the future. However, it didn't prevent
    the speaker of the National Assembly of Armenia Ovik Abramyan to
    characterize European integration on May 31st at the session of the
    PACE permanent commission in Yerevan as `a thoughtful choice of
    Armenia, which corresponds to Armenia's internal agenda.'

    Considering the fact that top representatives of the ruling Republican
    Party have many times voiced similar statements in recent time, the
    version on Sargsyan's demarche could be truthful. The Armenian
    authorities have always been in torn between the West and Russia.
    Serge Sargsyan didn't invent a bicycle by not going to Bishkek, he
    chose a well-known strategy of Armenian top officials.

    From: A. Papazian