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Ankara: New York Times Responds To Turkish PM's Criticism Over Gezi

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  • Ankara: New York Times Responds To Turkish PM's Criticism Over Gezi


    Hurriyet, Turkey
    June 8 2013

    The New York Times has said it accepts advertisements "from all
    advocacy groups who wish to share their opinions" in response to
    Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's criticism over a
    full-page ad placed in the newspaper by Gezi Park supporters.

    "We publish this type of advertising because we believe in the First
    Amendment, which affords us the right to publish news and editorials,
    but just as important, guarantees the public's right to be heard,"
    the New York Times said in a written statement to daily Hurriyet
    published on June 8.

    "Our advertising department and our newsroom are completely distinct
    operations and the newsroom has nothing to do with the placement or
    acceptance of advertising messages," it also added.

    The prime minister targeted the foreign media during a speech June 7,
    accusing foreign outlets of "running stories based on orders with
    ideological approaches."

    The ad run under the title "What's happening in Turkey" and supported
    the popular resistance following the protests in Gezi Park, while
    issuing several demands, such as the end of police brutality, the
    start of democratic dialogue and a freer media.

    Times' answer filled my eyes with tears: EU Minister

    EU Minister Egemen Bağış, who lived for years in the United States,
    chided the New York Times over its decision to publish the ad.

    "When I read the New York Times answer with a mention to the First
    Amendment, I had tears in my eyes, I was really touched," Bağış told
    daily Hurriyet, adding that when he was lobbying in the United States,
    the broadsheet had refused to print an ad that said "A systematic
    Armenian Genocide did not take place."

    "They have made an incomplete statement. They should have said 'We
    only support the ads of advocacy groups that we want, on subjects that
    we want.' I experienced this personally when I lived in the United
    States. I saw how libertarian the American media was with concrete
    experiences," he said, adding that they never managed to print their
    ads on the Armenian or other issues.

    "We were also a nongovernmental organization. We also wanted to
    express our freedom of thought. But when it comed to hear our voices,
    their ears went deaf. All the doors were closed. How come they have
    become so sensitive to a problem inside Turkey?"

