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Evoking The "H" Word

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  • Evoking The "H" Word


    Right Side News
    June 10 2013

    Published on Monday, 10 June 2013 06:56 Written by Norma Zager

    Recent issues between Azerbaijani and Armenian leaders have given
    rise to what has now become a familiar process of evoking the "H"
    word to demonize those with whom we do not agree.

    In a recent complaint to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee
    (AIPAC), The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) has taken
    the process even further by enhancing their use of the "H" word
    against Azerbaijani Ambassador to the United States Elin Suleymanov,
    a noted advocate of his nation's close relationship with both Israel
    and the Jewish people.

    ANCA's strongly worded complaint, asks AIPAC to "reevaluate the moral
    and practical dimensions of your organization's association with
    Azerbaijan's war-mongering President, Ilham Aliyev, a dictator who,
    echoing the venomous Holocaust-era rants of Adolf Hitler against
    Jews, has announced openly that, 'all the Armenians of the world'
    are his enemies." Interestingly, Aliyev, of course, never said that
    but rather stated that the Armenian lobby is Azerbaijan's enemy. Not
    surprisingly, given the leading Armenian-American groups' strongly
    negative views on Azerbaijan.

    In the game of who can be whose friend, those engaged in world
    politics excel. Allies are as important as life to countries that
    possess little power or any way to obtain it and must rely on the
    superpowers to do their bidding.

    What has this to do with Israel, Armenian-American community and
    Armenia and evoking the "H" word?


    No amount of denial or passage of years will diminish the evil of
    Hitler. It has taken on the nature of using the word Kleenex for
    tissue, as a metaphor for anyone worth attacking.

    There can be no greater insult or disparagement than accusing one
    of any similarity to the greatest evil of the twentieth century,
    perhaps ever in human history.

    Because Israel is still a vulnerable nation, much despised and maligned
    in the world, branding her allies as Hitler speaks volumes.

    Perhaps the Armenian-American community and Armenia might have better
    rethought such an accusation against one of Israel's closest and
    staunchest allies and a society that is regularly praised for its
    inclusiveness and tolerance.

    In the case of Armenia and Azerbaijan, both share peaceful
    relationships with Israel. While Armenia seeks Israel's support and
    brotherhood in their attempt to equate what is termed "Armenian
    Genocide" with the Holocaust, Azerbaijan and Israel enjoy close
    bi-lateral relations in the arenas of diplomacy, politics, security,
    military and business amongst many others.

    Azerbaijan's brave support for Israel has created numerous problems
    with Iran's leaders, who through threats, pressure and whatever
    means available seeks to destroy that alliance for good. Azerbaijan
    has established itself as one of Israel's leading allies and trade
    partners and is a beacon of hope that a Jewish nation and Muslim
    nation can share a peaceful and highly beneficial relationship.

    Thus far Iran has been unsuccessful in destroying that hope.

    The Armenian battle with the Azerbaijanis has obviously reached a
    point of international ally selection. "Are you with us or against us"
    seems to be the question at hand, and how better to enlist support
    from the Jewish nation and Jewish organizations than to cast the
    ultimate aspersion on the Azerbaijanis? However Armenia's allegations
    seem insincere when one considers that Jews live quite peacefully and
    accepted in Azerbaijani society and always have. Jews are elected and
    serve in parliament and hold other high-level governmental positions.

    Jews in Azerbaijan are business leaders, academics, scientists and
    community leaders.

    Azerbaijani society is structured in a way that it really doesn't
    matter who one is. Azerbaijan is home to many ethnicities and religions
    and has a tradition of pluralism, while Armenia is monolithically
    Armenian and Armenian Orthodox.

    Is evoking the "H" word a successful tactic to employ against one of
    Israel's truest allies?

    Can Armenia hope to achieve their goal by throwing the name of Jewish
    pain in AIPAC'S, Israel's and the American Jewish community's faces?

    While once it may have been the supreme insult to compare anyone to
    the horror that was Hitler, strangely this approach has been mitigated
    by distaste for those who opt to do so.

    Reminding the Jewish people of Hitler, now, has the effect of
    marginalizing and victimizing them as a nation.

    In some way it is an attempt to use the death of six million to garner
    favor in Jewish eyes and the Armenian-American community and Armenia
    should be ashamed.

    Comparing the Azerbaijani president, who has welcomed Jewish leader
    after Jewish leader from around the globe and is accused by the Mullahs
    in Iran of being a puppet of Israel, to Hilter tells AIPAC; the only
    way one can explain how horrible this man is to open your old wounds.

    Does anyone believe Jewish people, or the world for that matter,
    is incapable of understanding the nature of evil or alleged misdeeds
    without a direct reference to their greatest pain? Do Jewish people
    have no ability to grasp the nature of wrongdoing on any other level
    aside from the Holocaust?

    I believe they do.

    Perhaps it is the fact that Israel and Azerbaijan share a close
    relationship that the Armenian-American community and Armenia believe
    it is necessary to pull no punches in their attempts to cut a wedge
    between them.

    If this is their strategy, they have seriously overplayed their hand.

    It is way past the time we saved the "H" word for those who deserve
    the comparison. To use it anytime we wish to malign another minimizes
    its effect and therefore the deed.

    Mainstreaming it as just another curse word is an insult to both
    those who died at the hands of Hitler and fighting his great evil.

    The Armenian-American community and Armenia's attacks or supposed
    grievances should be measured and relevant to garner an ear from
    other nations.

    It is way past the time to save the name of Hilter for those who
    truly deserve the comparison and, sadly, in today's world there are
    far too many who do.

    Zager is a freelance journalist and columnist who teaches at California
    State University, Los Angeles. In addition to receiving the honors of
    Los Angeles Journalist of the Year and Best Investigative Reporter by
    the Los Angeles Press Club, the Wall Street Journal and the Columbia
    Journalism Review applauded her work on the Brockovich case. Zager
    is also the author of numerous books

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress