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Turkish Journalist: People Are Persistent, They Will Not Stop

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  • Turkish Journalist: People Are Persistent, They Will Not Stop


    Protests for Gezi Park continue on Teksim Square of Istanbul. We met
    and talked to the Turkish photojournalist Umud Vedat visiting Armenia

    Umud, thousands of Turkish citizens took to the street against the
    project of mall in the place of Gezi Park. Is the Arab spring in the
    air or is it an awakening of civil consciousness?

    If we compare developments in Turkey with the Arab spring, we will see
    several differences. First, there is not an economic issue because the
    Turkish economy is developing equally. For the first time in the past
    one hundred years people felt they want to resist dictatorship. The
    public was fighting against the Kemalist dictatorship for 90 years,
    resisted Islamic dictatorship for ten years. Now the society has
    stood up against dictatorship, wants to get involved in democracy,
    become a democratic country. The next difference is that the armed
    forces are not engaged.

    On these days the Turkish press has been reporting "ears" of the West
    behind the protests for Gezi park. What is your impression?

    It is an old argument. In fact, the West or the United States are
    somehow involved because they regulate the world system but they
    cannot be the main reason of the problem.

    Mashtots Park which is next to us was liberated from boutiques one
    year ago, thousands of people stood up to protect the public park and
    defeated the oligarchy. Can we say that the Turkish society took to
    the street with the same consciousness?

    In fact, this is civil consciousness, people are persistent, they
    will not stop.

    Erdogan stated that construction of the mall will continue? Will it
    trigger a wave of fury all over Turkey? Recently 34 bloggers have
    been arrested who are suspected of organizing rallies via Facebook
    and Twitter.

    In fact, in the beginning they were trying to politicize the
    issue, especially when Erdogan was absent in the country but they
    understood later that it is impossible to politicize the issue, the
    representatives of all the layers of the society have come together
    for one purpose and are under one umbrella and have set aside all the
    political issues and are fighting for the same goal. If you remember,
    on the fourth day of the rallies Erdogan stated that there are hardly
    four or five capulcu (tramps), and people changed their Facebook
    account names to capulcu. It made obvious that hundreds of thousands
    of people have joined the movement, including intellectuals from all
    parts of the world.

    There were such mini-fights in the past three years, and if formerly
    the owners of shops, five-star hotels used to close their buildings
    to block entry to protesters, this time they have opened the doors to
    protesters and closed the doors to the police. Everyone has joined in.

    Will the state machine crack?

    The government is cracking. Some people are acting good policemen,
    others bad policemen, the cracks are seen everywhere. Now the
    demonstrators have taken a time out because they have run out of
    explosives. As soon as they import explosives from France, they
    will resume attacks. The evaluation of this movement is similar to
    Occupy Wall Street when people used Facebook to inform people what
    was happening, what the media did not report.

    A civil society is formed in both Turkey and Armenia? Will their
    publics eventually resolve this issue?

    It would be good. In fact, if the issue is left up to the societies,
    it will be resolved more quickly.

    I know you are studying Armenian nationalism comparing it to Turkish
    nationalism? What differences have you found?

    I have met with hundreds of people over this week. People in Turkey
    have lost their history, a lot of people are not aware of the
    genocide, and since they would not kill a person because he or she
    is an Armenian, they think their grandfather would not have killed
    either. The government has been trying to hide it for one hundred
    years. Armenians do not know that the Turks do not know the truth. I
    want to resolve the issue, you want to resolve the issue, and we must
    communicate and understand the problem.

    I was trying to meet with the Armenian nationalists. In Turkey
    nationalism is associated with ethnic minorities, here nationalism
    cannot be associated with minorities because there are no minorities.

    My purpose was to find out what the Armenian nationalists are against,
    only Turkey or... And I understand that not only Turkey, but it
    is the topic of my documentary. It is on assimilation issues. I
    met with nationalists, I apologized. It is possible to resolve the
    problem at the emotional level, the resolution of the issue requires
    communication. It's been proven that one documentary will not force
    Turks to recognize the genocide. There are hundreds of films, thousands
    of books but it is important to have Turks understand the sorrow. As
    soon as they understand, they will understand the related problems. The
    Turks cannot understand that they have lost a lot due to the genocide,
    and had the two cultures united, they would have ruled the world.

    Imagine Turkey recognizes the Armenian genocide. What will it change
    in the life of the two societies?

    Both societies need peace. As soon as there is peace, the issue will
    be resolved automatically.

    Siranuysh Papyan 21:46 10/06/2013 Story from News:

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress