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Vladimir Yevseev: The Interests Of Separate Corporations In Foreign

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  • Vladimir Yevseev: The Interests Of Separate Corporations In Foreign


    Interview of Director of Moscow Centre for Public and Political
    Studies, Vladimir Yevseev, with Arminfo news agency

    by David Stepanyan

    Tuesday, June 11, 14:31

    One of the deputies of the ruling Republican Party of Armenia has
    recently said that "Moscow will always raise gas price for Armenia
    to depend on it more and more". Doyou share such a viewpoint? How
    do you assess Russia's policy regarding its only ally in the South
    Caucasus, Armenia?

    Unfortunately, sometimes interests of separate corporations and
    companies in foreign policy of Russia are put above the state
    interests. The situation a little bit differs in Armenia, as in
    Azerbaijan certain circles want to resolve the Karabakh conflict
    with a help of force. Nevertheless, the Kremlin feels the problem of
    vulnerability of security in the South Caucasus. And the last visits
    by Russia's Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu and commander of General
    Headquarters, Valeriy Gerasimiv, to Armenia are evidence of that.

    Their purpose was to enhance Russian military presence in the South
    Caucasus, where Armenia's significance for Russia can hardly be
    overestimated. Now the point is not how to strengthen dependence of
    Yerevan on Moscow and to hinder strengthening of the western vector
    of its foreign policy, including the relations with NATO. It is
    more important not to let regional war in the South Caucasus with
    unpredictable consequences. I think that Israel's bombing-missile
    air attack upon Iran's nuclear and military objects may become a
    favorable start of the regional war. Saying that Russia has got
    the military presence in Abkhazia and South Ossetia, the expert
    emphasized that the potential of the troops deployed there is limited,
    as because of several reasons Moscow is not interested in creation
    of the fully-fledged military bases there. This military presence
    principally differs from the military base deployed in Gyumri.

    According to the non-official information, some missile complexes
    "Iskander M" and "Tornado-G" were delivered to the 102-nd Russian
    military base in Gyumri. What is the reason of it, taking into
    consideration the all-regional tension?

    If these missile complexes were really delivered, it means that
    Moscow is concerned about the situation being formed in the sphere of
    regional security. Russia has obligations on protection of Armenia
    in case of the military threat, although it does not have similar
    obligations regarding Nagornyy Karabakh. Nevertheless, presence of
    the above-mentioned weapons in Armenia are of the stabilizing nature,
    as they will stop Azerbaijan and Turkey to settle the Karabakh conflict
    with a help of force.

    What are the tendencies of extension of US and Europe's influence in
    the South Caucasus? What are the scenarios of possible integration
    of Armenia?

    At present, the South Caucasus is not a priority of foreign policy
    of the USA. Of course, in Washington they would like to weaken the
    relations of Russia with Armenia. But they understand that extension
    of US influence in Armenia will require its involvement in the Karabakh
    conflict settlement, that is to say, the USA will be forced to support
    Yerevan's position in this matter and enhance its security.

    However, this will result in worsening of US relations not only
    with Baku but also with Ankara, which is more important. Washington
    cannot let it. For this reason, the Americans will not initiate true
    rapprochement with Yerevan. Instead of that, they will support the
    seeming enhancing of relations like an element of imposing pressure
    upon Moscow. At present Europe is in a hard situation as it suffers
    financial and economic crisis, resulted in decrease of GDP. This
    means that Brussels does not own big financial funds to be invested in
    the states of the South Caucasus region. We have got some uncertain
    development of Georgia after premier Bidzina Ivanishvili's coming to
    power. In such conditions Brussels will occupy a waiting position, as
    it is concerned about the local problems. Taking into consideration
    all above-mentioned, development of the Russian-Armenian relations
    has no alternative, but not because Moscow wants that very much,
    but because of the created foreign political conditions.

    Several events happened in the Russian-Azerbaijani relations for the
    last years and even months, such as - the Russians left Gabala. What
    are the tendencies of the relations between Moscow and Baku?

    I think that till October 2013, that is to say, before holding of
    presidential election in Azerbaijan, the relations with Russia will
    not become better. To improve the bilateral relations, they need the
    high level meeting. Only within the frames of such a meeting, they
    can remove all the accumulated tension regarding several issues,
    in particular, Baku's intention towards force settlement of the
    Karabakh conflict, the increasing purchase of Israeli weapon and
    the increasing growth of this country and its secret services in
    Azerbaijan, as well as, sharp worsening of relations with Iran, the
    fact that Moscow supports alternative organizations of Azerbaijani
    diaspora, stopped buying Azerbaijani oil, etc. But the meeting of
    president of Russia and Azerbaijan has not been scheduled yet.

    The displeasure of Iran with the temporality nature of the Azerbaijani
    state is one of the reasons of the bad relations between Baku and
    Teheran. What are the tendencies inthese relations?

    I think that further development of relations between Baku and Teheran
    are linked with the forthcoming presidential election in Iran on 14
    June. It is very much possible that Said Jalili or Ali Akbar Velayati
    will gain a victory.

    Anyway, the influence of the current president Ahmadimejad will be
    nullified. In its turn, this will create favorable conditions for
    certain improvement of bilateral relations, but only after the expected
    victory of Ilham Aliyev at the presidential election in Azerbaijan.

    What are the reasons of local instability in Turkey? How can they
    threat the region? And what is the possible scenario of their

    I think that having taken the course for islamization of the country
    and started actively mediating in the armed conflict in Syria, Prime
    Minister of Turkey Recep Erdogan made two serious mistakes. The fast
    islamization required withdrawal of servicemen from the true levers
    of power. This resulted in the situation when Erdogan himself lost
    ground within the country, although strengthened his personal power.

    As for an active mediation in the local conflict in Syria, it has
    led to worsening of Erdogan's relations not only with opposition but
    also with wide layers of local population displeased with deployment
    of foreign rebels at the territory of the country. Nevertheless,
    I think that the situation in Turkey will be improved soon. And
    disorders in Turkey will turn Erdogan into a more careful politician
    when conducting local as well as foreign policy.

    The Syrian conflict seems to gradually pass to another field. What
    impulses we have to expect from the events in Syria in the near future?

    The Syrian problem has faced a stalemate. The opposition is extremely
    split, but it receives financing and weapons from the countries
    pursuing various and often contradictory interests in Syria. In
    such situation, it is extremely difficult to achieve any progress in
    resolution of the given problem. The point is not just the destructive
    role of Saudi Arabia and Qatar, but also the West's two-faced policy
    that calls for dialogue but prepares for military interference under
    a vain pretext, for instance, application of chemical weapons by the
    Syrian army.

    Enjoying monopoly of information resources, the West and its partners
    in the face of Arabian monarchies, can easily create a background
    necessary for armed interference. However, the USA does not want it,
    while Britain and France lack resources for a military operation.

    Turkey cannot think of an armed conflict at present either. The
    upcoming conference in Geneva will hardly be a success, because Iran
    will not be invited to it or will not be allowed to decision making,
    which means that it will be impossible to reinforce even the plan
    coordinated with other participants. In the meanwhile, it is Tehran
    that supports the current authorities in Damask. The recent 4 billion
    dollars aid to Damask is the best evidence of that.

    The Syrian Army will probably achieve certain success fighting the
    armed opposition shortly. It may even restore control over Aleppo
    and lift the blockade of the Syrian-Iraqi border, which is the main
    corridor of aid for Damask. However, it will hardly manage to fully
    suppress the armed opposition and will be reluctant to seek a dialogue
    with it, but, this time, maybe on better terms for Damask.

    From: Baghdasarian