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Ruben Safrastyan Doesn't See An Option Of Revolution In Turkey

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  • Ruben Safrastyan Doesn't See An Option Of Revolution In Turkey


    Mediamax, Armenia
    June 10 2013

    Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies of Armenian National
    Academy of Sciences Ruben Safrastyan

    Yerevan /Mediamax/. Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies
    of Armenian National Academy of Sciences Ruben Safrastyan said today
    that the civil uprising around the Gezi park in Istanbul showed that
    some layers of the Turkish society overcame the fear toward the state.

    Ruben Safrastyan expressed the confidence that Turkey's political
    life won' t be the same any more as it was before the "Gezi" movement,
    Mediamax reports.

    "Turkey's political life will have long-term outcomes. They taught a
    lesson to Erdogan's "Justice and Development" (AKP) party: you won the
    elections but you should take the society's opinion into account. The
    political life of the country will enter a new phase and the ruling
    party will have to listen to the voice of the society", noted the
    Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies.

    According to him, the developments showed that Prime Minister Recep
    Tayyip Erdogan can't be the leader of "all the Turkish". According
    to the specialist, the Prime Minister's statements aggravated the
    gap between the authorities and society and Erdogan's authority was
    seriously damaged.

    Ruben Safrastyan called special attention to the fact that the Turkish
    political forces stuck to rather a neutral position concerning the wave
    of the uprising. According to him, it shows that the current Turkish
    political palette doesn't express the interests of the demonstrators
    and it's not ruled out that new forces will come up in forthcoming
    elections of local self-government bodies and presidential elections.

    The Director of the Institute of Oriental Studies added that he
    doesn't see an option of a new revolution as the Turkish army didn't
    show any interest toward the demonstration.

    Besides, Ruben Safrastyan claims the movement is not political and
    it's no use seeking any secret forces behind the movement.

    According to the specialist, the recent developments will have a
    serious impact on Turkey's foreign policy and especially the process of
    Turkey's integration to the EU. "It'll be a lesson for those European
    forces who are for Turkey's joining the EU. Besides, the positions
    of official Ankara for becoming a regional leader weakened", noted
    the Director of Institute of Oriental Studies.
