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Serzh Sargsyan Is Concentrating Kickbacks

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  • Serzh Sargsyan Is Concentrating Kickbacks


    What will happen to the government of Armenia if kickbacks disappear?

    The system will collapse. Why isn't it collapsing now when the Control
    Chamber is finding breaches and MPs shout "death to robbers!"? The
    answer is that in reality this is not a fight against the practice
    of kickback.

    Go to Yerevan streets and you will see how they are fighting against
    kickback. In Yerevan the streets that need no reconstruction are
    being continuously reconstructed. Why? Because when you reconstruct
    streets which need reconstruction, you have fewer possibilities of
    kickbacks than when you reconstruct good streets.

    So, what is the show at the National Assembly about? What is the
    Control Chamber doing? The Control Chamber is controlling. It is
    controlling the flows of kickbacks in Armenia.

    Power is kickback, kickback is power. In order to have a full control
    on power, one needs to have a full control on kickbacks because it
    is the basis of the ruling system on which middle and low-ranking
    officials are standing. High-ranking officials are not directly
    dependent on kickbacks. They run businesses in Armenia and abroad,
    they have a stable profit and bank accounts in different countries.

    But the top government runs a huge staff which is called administrative
    resource during elections. This staff could be support at the expense
    of their own businesses but why if they can support it at the expense
    of the state budget?

    So, the one who controls kickbacks controls the middle and low-ranking
    officials. In order to control kickback, one needs to reveal it fully.

    And this is the function of the Control Chamber of Armenia.

    So, concentration of kickbacks is underway in Armenia which has
    caused the National Assembly's dissatisfaction. So far anyone could
    roll everyone but now Serzh Sargsyan makes it clear that someone can
    be rolled only at his knowledge.

    Maybe it is a matter of appetite, and Serzh Sargsyan is just using
    the opportunity to seize as much as it is possible. The issue of Serzh
    Sargsyan's power will not been resolved unless he resolves the issue
    of one of the most important pillars of the government, the kickback.

    Without this he will not feel confident about Armenia's decisions
    on foreign policy, as well as in 2017-2018 elections or the possible
    replacement of presidential governance with parliamentary governance.

    The parliamentary majority is not angry because the budget is
    stolen but because Serzh Sargsyan is robbing them economically and

    Hakob Badalyan 15:24 14/06/2013 Story from News:

    From: A. Papazian