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European Parliament Urges Azerbaijani Authorities To Release Ilgar M

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  • European Parliament Urges Azerbaijani Authorities To Release Ilgar M

    11:44, 14 June, 2013

    YEREVAN, JUNE 14, ARMENPRESS. The European Parliament publicized a
    resolution titled "Azerbaijan: Case of Ilgar Mammadov" at the sitting
    held on 13 June, 2013, where it strictly criticizes the arrest of
    the Director of Political Studies School Ilgar Mammadov and urges
    to set him free immediately. "Armenpress" introduces the text of the
    resolution in its entirety:

    "The European Parliament, - having regard to its previous resolutions
    on the situation in Azerbaijan, in particular those concerning human
    rights and the rule of law,

    - having regard to the joint statement of 9 February 2013 by
    Vice-President of the Commission / High Representative of the Union for
    Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton and Commissioner
    Štefan Fule on the arrests of Tofiq Yaqublu, newspaper columnist and
    deputy chair of the Musavat oppositionparty, and Ilgar Mammadov, leader
    and presidential candidate of the Republican Alternative (REAL) party,

    - having regard to the joint statement of 7 June 2013 by the respective
    spokespersons of Catherine Ashton and Commissioner Fule on curbs on
    freedom of expression in Azerbaijan,

    - having regard to the statement of 3 May 2013 by the Secretary General
    of the Council of Europe, Thorbjørn Jagland, concerning new charges
    brought against Mr Mammadov,

    - having regard to the statement of 18 March 2013 by the Congress
    of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, -
    having regard to the joint statement issued by 52 Azerbaijani civil
    society organisations requesting the release of Mr Mammadov and Mr
    Yaqublu, - having regard to the established relationship between the
    EU and Azerbaijan, which took effect in 1999, as represented by the
    implementation of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) Action Plan,
    the creation of the Eastern Partnership (EaP), the negotiations on
    an EU Azerbaijan association agreement and Azerbaijan's participation
    in the Euronest Parliamentary Assembly,

    - having regard to the ongoing negotiations between the EU and
    Azerbaijan on an association agreement,

    - having regard to its resolution of 11 December 2012 on a Digital
    Freedom Strategy in EU Foreign Policy ,

    - having regard to the 2012 ENP country progress report on Azerbaijan,
    dated 20 March 2013,

    - having regard to Rules 122(5) and 110(4) of its Rules of Procedure,

    A. whereas Mr Mammadov, leader of the opposition REAL movement and
    director of the Council of Europe's Baku School of Political Studies,
    and Mr Yaqublu, deputy chair of the Musavat opposition party, were
    arrested by Azerbaijani authorities on 4 February 2013 and have been
    unlawfully detained since then; whereas Mr Mammadov is accused of
    inciting riots in the town of Ismaili after he visited the town;

    B. whereas his initial pre-trial detention has been extended twice in
    an apparent attempt to keep him behind bars pending the forthcoming
    elections; whereas according to recent reports Ilgar Mammadov has
    been placed in a punishment cell, raising concerns that he is being
    singled out;

    C. whereas the overall human rights situation in Azerbaijan has
    deteriorated continuously over the last few years despite the adoption
    of the ENP Action Plan, with growing pressure on, and intimidation of,
    NGOs and independent media, engendering a widespread sense of fear
    among opposition forces, human rights defenders and youth and social
    network activists and leading to self-censorship among journalists;

    D. whereas before his arrest Mr Mammadov had been confirmed as the
    REAL opposition party's candidate for the Azerbaijani presidential
    elections scheduled for October 2013;

    E. whereas human rights defenders and civil society representatives
    consider Mr Mammadov's arrest to be illegal and politically motivated,
    and an attempt to intimidate the opposition;

    F. whereas the Commission, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council
    of Europe and Member State governments have expressed grave concern
    about this case;

    G. whereas the EU has expressed its grave concerns about the use of
    selective justice for political purposes;

    H. whereas the Council of Europe representative in Baku was not
    admitted to the initial court hearing in February 2013 and whereas,
    in addition, a group of Council of Europe ambassadors who recently
    visited Azerbaijan were not allowed to see Mr Mammadov;

    I. whereas freedom of the press and media, both online and offline,
    is a crucial aspect of a democratic and open society, as well as
    being fundamental in safeguarding human rights and the rule of law;

    J. whereas journalists, bloggers, activists and other independent
    thinkers continue to experience serious limitations on their freedom
    of expression in Azerbaijan, facing prosecution on bogus charges,
    harassment, intimidation and physical attacks;

    K. whereas demonstrations have effectively been banned in central
    Baku since 2006, and whereas harsh new fines and longer periods of
    administrative detention for those who organise or participate in
    unauthorised public gatherings were recently introduced;

    L. whereas Azerbaijani authorities recently requested the downgrading
    of the mission of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in
    Europe (OSCE) in Baku to the status of a 'project coordination office',
    which is seen as an attempt to limit the OSCE's anticipated criticism
    of the presidential elections scheduled for October 2013;

    M. whereas, contrary to the commitments made, Azerbaijan's parliament,
    the Milli Mejlis, has adopted amendments to the Criminal Code that
    provide for up to three years' imprisonment for defamation posted
    online, an act that constitutes a further hindrance to the necessary
    conditions for independent and non-biased media in Azerbaijan;

    N. whereas Azerbaijan is currently engaged in consultations with the
    Council of Europe's Venice Commission on the reform of the country's
    defamation legislation, which must be carried out in order to execute
    two judgments of the European Court of Human Rights against Azerbaijan;
    whereas, however, the Azerbaijani parliament has adopted new amendments
    aimed at facilitating the application of defamation provisions to
    online expression;

    O. whereas Azerbaijan is a member of the Council of Europe and will
    take over its rotating chairmanship in 2014, as well as being a party
    to the European Convention on Human Rights;

    P. whereas Azerbaijan is actively participating in the ENP and the EaP,
    is engaged in the negotiations on an association agreement and the
    furthering of cooperation initiatives grounded in the EaP framework,
    is a founding member of Euronest and is committed to respecting
    democracy, human rights and the rule of law, which are core values
    of these initiatives;

    Q. whereas Azerbaijan has adopted new laws widening the definition
    of criminal libel, tightening regulations governing the funding of
    non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and introducing much severer
    penalties for offences relating to public assemblies;

    R. whereas Azerbaijan has taken up a non-permanent seat in the United
    Nations Security Council (UNSC) for the 2012-2013 period, and has
    committed itself to upholding the values enshrined in the Charter of
    the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights;

    S. whereas 2013 is an important election year for Azerbaijan,
    which has committed itself to improving the general environment for
    democratic elections;

    1. Stresses that full respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms
    and the rule of law is at the heart of the framework for cooperation
    within the EaP, and of the commitments made by Azerbaijan within the
    Council of Europe and the OSCE;

    2. Strongly condemns the detention of Mr Mammadov, calls for his
    immediate and unconditional release and an end to his prosecution,
    and urges the Azerbaijani authorities to investigate the charges
    against him in a speedy, fair, transparent and independent manner;

    3. Calls for the EU to assist and further support the Republic of
    Azerbaijan in its efforts to consolidate democracy and the rule of
    law and to reform the judiciary and law enforcement systems, with a
    special focus on protecting human rights;

    4. Expresses serious concern over reports by human rights defenders
    and domestic and international NGOs about the alleged use of fabricated
    charges against politicians, activists and journalists;

    5. Condemns any intimidation, arrest, detention or prosecution
    of opposition party leaders or members, activists, journalists or
    bloggers solely because they have expressed their views and exercised
    their fundamental rights and freedoms in accordance with international

    6. Calls on the Azerbaijani authorities unequivocally to respect
    freedom of the press and media, both online and offline, and to secure
    freedom of expression;

    7. Calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to reform the country's
    defamation legislation so that defamation is dealt with by means of
    proportionate fines rather than imprisonment;

    8. Calls on the Azerbaijani authorities fully to respect the freedom
    of assembly of the Azerbaijani population;

    9. Supports the ongoing negotiations on an EU-Azerbaijan association
    agreement and reaffirms its position that such an agreement must
    include clauses and benchmarks relating to the protection and promotion
    of human rights, especially with regard to freedom of the media,
    freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of assembly,
    which reflect the principles and rights enshrined in the Azerbaijani
    constitution and the commitments made by Azerbaijan within the Council
    of Europe and the OSCE;

    10. Calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to bring the legislation
    on elections, freedom of assembly, freedom of association and media
    freedom into line with international standards and to ensure its
    full implementation;

    11. Calls on the European External Action Service (EEAS) strictly
    to apply the 'more for more' principle, with a specific focus on
    inclusive, free and fair elections, the independence of the judiciary,
    democratic reforms and fundamental rights and freedoms, and clearly
    to lay down the consequences of lagging behind in relation to reforms;

    12. Urges the Azerbaijani authorities to step up their efforts
    to reform all aspects of the judicial system: prosecution, trial,
    sentencing, detention and appeals;

    13. Calls on Commission President José Manuel Barroso to speak out
    on the EU's human rights concerns vis-a-vis Azerbaijan, as outlined
    in the last ENP progress report, during President Ilham Aliyev's
    planned visit to Brussels;

    14. Supports the work of the EEAS and calls on the EU Delegation
    in Baku to continue to pay close attention to human rights concerns
    during the forthcoming election cycle, showing support for human rights
    defenders by attending events organised by civil society and speaking
    out on their behalf, closely monitoring court trials and supporting
    media freedom, inter alia by demanding the viable transmission of
    independent radio and television channels during the election campaign;

    15. Urges the Azerbaijani authorities to grant the Azerbaijan Human
    Rights House unconditional authorisation to reopen, and to register
    the Election Monitoring and Democracy Studies Centre and the Human
    Rights Club without further delays or administrative burdens;

    16. Calls on the Azerbaijani authorities to comply with all rulings
    of the European Court of Human Rights concerning Azerbaijan;

    17. Instructs its President to forward this resolution to the European
    External Action Service, the European Council, the Commission, the
    Governments and Parliament of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Council
    of Europe, the OSCE and the UN Human Rights Council.

    From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress