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OSCE Trains Armenian Lawyers On Preparing Third Party Submissions

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  • OSCE Trains Armenian Lawyers On Preparing Third Party Submissions


    Third party submissions in constitutional and international human
    rights procedures, and the enforcement of the European Court of Human
    Rights (ECtHR) judgments will be discussed at a two-day workshop
    organized by the OSCE Office in Yerevan together with the Armenian
    Chamber of Advocates that started in Yerevan today.

    The workshop aims to identify avenues for drafting joint submissions on
    specific human rights cases, including submissions on the execution
    of judgements of ECtHR, in co-operation with international human
    rights organizations.

    The workshop brought together some 30 lawyers and human rights
    defenders from various regions of Armenia; it is run by two experts
    from the UK-based non-governmental organization Interights and several
    local experts. Workshop participants will review the experience of the
    execution and implementation of the ECtHR judgments, legal matters
    related to reopening of cases, ECtHR case law on moral damage and
    the validity of submissions to the Committee of Ministers.

    The Head of the OSCE Office in Yerevan, Ambassador Andrey Sorokin,
    underscored the role of advocates and human rights defenders in
    promoting human rights and rule of law in the country. ~SA workshop
    with such broad participation facilitates an open, informed and
    professional discussion, crucial for continued enhancement of the
    skills of legal practitioners and their effective involvement in
    domestic and international instances,~T he said.

    The workshop is a follow-up to the project launched by the Office
    last year on preparation of amicus curiae (~Qfriends of the court~R)
    briefs by lawyers and human rights defenders which resulted in the
    preparation of seven written opinions to the Constitutional Court
    and two requests for leave for submission to the ECtHR.

    Ruben Sahakyan, the Chair of the Chamber of Advocates, said: ~SSince
    2010, we have been successful in submitting opinions on each and
    every application that the Constitutional Court has admitted into its
    procedure. With the support from the OSCE we are striving to build
    the capacity of the Chamber and its affiliated bodies in setting up
    a working mechanism of amicus curiae briefs which remains until now
    quite a unique experience for Armenia.~T
