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A New Kind Of Genocide Has Been Perpetrated In The Middle East

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  • A New Kind Of Genocide Has Been Perpetrated In The Middle East


    Interview of Gagik Harutyunyan to ArmInfo Information Agency

    David Stepanyan

    Judging by the recent wrangling in the UN Security Council and the
    reaction of Iran and Israel, it seems that the Syrian conflict is
    gradually passing into a new plane. In your opinion, what new impulses
    around the developments in Syria can be expected in this aspect in
    the nearest future?

    It has been much spoken about the involvement Iran and Israel in
    the Syrian conflict. They acknowledge in Tehran that Iran will
    follow Syria and that is the reason why "Hezbollah", and according
    to some opinions even groups connected with the "Army of Guardians
    of the Islamic Revolution" are actively involved in the events in
    Syria. It is natural that Syria, in its current condition, is not
    very acceptable for Israel, though some experts appeal that Tel-Aviv
    is not interested in overthrowing of Assad. In this case Syria might
    be flooded by terrorists who will then endanger the security of Israel.

    In my opinion a real threat to Israel is rather strong and united
    Syria than scattered groups of terrorists, which Israelis has always
    brilliantly dealt with. That is why, while speaking about outside
    intervention, we have to take into consideration, that there is a
    typical war in Syria and not opposition or local rebels protests.

    According to the estimations of the experts and observers, the number
    of the Syrian citizens in the militants units does not exceed 15-20%.

    All the others are the mercenaries from Libya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia
    and other regimes in the Middle East as well as citizens of some
    western countries and post-Soviet republics (e.g. Azerbaijan). All
    these forces are actively supported by NATO first of all by means
    of its member - Turkey. In other words it is Turkey that is fighting
    against Syria and Turkish military officers were killed and captured
    by the Syrian governmental troops.

    There is information that occasionally Turkey tends to solve in
    Syria acute "Armenian question" by destroying Armenian churches
    and compelling Armenians - the descendants of those who survived
    the Genocide in the Ottoman Empire - to leave hospital Syria, which
    sheltered them...

    Even if Turkey does not have a special plan on displacement of the
    Armenians from Syria, destruction of the Armenian and in general
    Christian cultural values, the fact remains that the descendents
    of the Armenians who survived the Genocide perpetrated by the Turks
    today are suffering from the displacement, thanks to the efforts of
    that very same Turkey. Our compatriots are the bearers of the western
    Armenian cultural and civilizational code. The communities in the
    Middle East has had great influence in the context of preserving of
    the Armeniancy, Armenian civilization, culture in the countries of
    the Eastern and Western Europe, America. And now, when the members
    of the Armenian communities in Syria and Middle East are actively
    emigrating to Europe, North and South Americas, we are losing our
    very important national segment. It should also be mentioned that
    in case of implementation of a negative scenario, there will be no
    place in new Syria not only for Armenians and Christians in general,
    but also for the Syrian Alawis.

    What is the difference between the situation in Syria and other
    "Arab revolutions"?

    The events in Syria should be viewed through the prism of processes,
    which has been taking place in the Middle East in recent years. We
    remember how in consequence of the aggression against Iraq a typical
    eastern dictator Saddam Hussein who killed 5 thousand Kurds in chemical
    attack was executed. Meanwhile, according to the most modest figures
    more than half a million people were killed in that very Iraq after
    overthrowing of Hussein and coming of the Americans. A mechanism,
    by means of which Iraqis killed Iraqis, Arabs killed Arabs and more
    than million people left the country, was launched. This is argued
    by neither UN, nor other international organizations. And after the
    American operations in Iraq there were almost no Armenians left in
    the Arab part of Iraq. Some Armenians found shelter in the Iraqi
    Kurdistan. Comparing situation in Iraq and Syria one can drive to
    a conclusion, according to which it looks as if a new mechanism
    was launched in the region; it is a new kind of Genocide when the
    peoples of these countries are self-destroying each other. And this
    is systematic and stable process, which happens every day against
    the background of total degradation of the statehood. And in this
    aspect it is very important to find those who ordered all this, due
    to whom this mechanism was launched. This is new kind of Genocide,
    which goes beyond all the canons and notions. In Syria governmental
    troops considerably succeed in the struggle with the variegated
    rebels supported by the western special services due to the Iranian,
    Russian and indirectly Chinese support. But even this success cannot
    stop the process of degradation of Syria as a state, because the life
    is defected - according to the figures of international organization
    approximately 1.2 million people left the country and the number of
    victims goes beyond 80 thousand. It is even needless to speak about
    the condition of the economy.

    And who has, in your opinion ordered it?

    Today, in my opinion it is almost impossible to point out those
    who ordered it. Those times has passed. Everything is very closely
    interconnected and in such issues some western countries, Qatar, Saudi
    Arabia as well as transnational companies play major role. For example,
    for me personally the stance of Germany, which unlike France, voted
    against anti-Syrian resolution and has very reserved attitude towards
    the Syrian conflict, is sympathetic. That is why it is difficult to
    name one country, which ordered this far uncontrollable chaos. The
    Americans are already concerned with the empowerment of Al-Qaida in
    Syria. Every day the terrorist acts, which are at least equivalent
    to the one in Boston, are taking place in the Middle East, thousands
    of people are killed, which has to be a great tragedy for whole
    world. Thus, the processes in Syria are qualitatively different from
    the processes, which took place on Libya, Tunis, Egypt and even Iraq,
    in which no opposing external powers, at least in an organized way,
    were involved. The same Iran, Russia and China in fact come down
    on the side of Assad, calling for appropriate peaceful settlement
    of the Syrian conflict. And in these processes, which take place
    in the proximity of the Armenia's borders, Turkey and Azerbaijan,
    the organized bandit groups of which, are fighting against Syrian
    governmental army, are involved.

    What impact will the excessive activity of Turkey and Azerbaijan in
    Syria have on the relations of Ankara and Baku with Moscow?

    The involvement of Turkey in the Syrian conflict will never contribute
    to the development of the Russian-Turkish relations. Today Turkey and
    its closest ally - Azerbaijan, felt themselves independent actors
    and afforded to send Russians out of Ghabala. In response Moscow
    ceased running Baku-Novorosiysk oil pipeline, restricted military
    supplies to Azerbaijan. These all proves that the relations between
    Baku and Moscow tend to worsen. And these are not the relations they
    had two years ago. Of course, during the visits to Moscow good words
    are said, but this does not change realpolitik. All this cannot but
    alert Armenia, because Turkey, filling itself a regional superpower,
    in case of success in the Syrian-Iranian direction, may take any
    steps. Turks are not the obeying NATO members they once used to be in
    the days of the "Cold War" and today, having a strong army, they can
    allow themselves acting independently. In its turn Azerbaijan feels
    itself alleviated in the shade of such a patron, which is proved by
    the rhetoric of official Baku.

    How will this, in your opinion, influence Karabakh conflict settlement,
    taking into consideration the fact that Russia still remains the main
    mediator in the Karabakh conflict?

    This is very complicated issue, because the answer can be searched only
    in the statements of the Russian officials, e.g., Secretary General of
    CSTO Nikolai Bordyuzha. I don't know why but I remember the words of
    President Dmitri Medvedev who advised: "don't make Russia solve all
    the issues in 5 days". I believe that the ally relations with Russia
    and being the CSTO member is the additional guarantee ensuring that
    any aggression will meet a rebuff. This is seemed to be realized in
    Baku too.

    On May 20 the press-service of the Milli Majlis refuted reports spread
    a day before by some pro-governmental media citing the text of a
    bill "On the Occupied Territories of Azerbaijan", which stipulated
    for the criminal sanctions against the citizens of Azerbaijan for
    cooperation with Armenia. What is, in your opinion, the reason of
    such information releases?

    We attentively follow such information releases (which very often
    are not confirmed later) in mass media and I have a filling that
    Azerbaijan is a little fevered in the aspect of the domestic policy.

    The situation in their domestic policy is rather unstable. They have
    many problems connected with the national minorities, religious sects,
    such as Wahabees, Sunnites, and Shiites, which spread eager activity
    in Azerbaijan. Real religious confrontation is unfolded there. This
    all is supplemented by Ilham Aliyev overstepping all the possible
    verges and ruling country for quite a long period after making
    ambiguous amendments to the Constitution. This all proves that huge
    means spent in Azerbaijan on the army are not a panacea from the
    domestic troubles. That is the reason why Aliyev constantly needs
    overstepping new and new inadmissible lines. And a proposal "to bring
    criminal action against the citizens of Azerbaijan, cooperating with
    any organization or institution from Armenia till the full liberation
    of the occupied lands" is one of such actions. But, someone clever
    advised them not to do this and it explains abandoning previously
    announced repressions".

    Return Another materials of author REGNUM: NEW KIND OF GENOCIDE
    IS BEING PERPETRATED IN SYRIA (from the press-conference of Gagik
    Harutyunyan)[16.05.2013] ON SOME MAIN ISSUES OF INTEGRATION IN
    GREAT GAME[18.05.2011]
