Charles Aznavour, Golden Apricot Film Festival
Alisa Gevorgyan
About 200 films have been selected out of 1,200 applications to be
represented at the 10th Golden Apricot International Film Festival
in Yerevan. Ninety of them will be included in the four competition
programs: Feature, Documentary, Armenian Panorama and the Apricot Stone
(short films).
The feature film program includes 12 movies, including one of Turkish
production. The negotiations with the Turkish side drag out because
of the events taking place in the country.
According to the Programs Director of the Festival Mikael Stamboltsyan,
the feature films jury will work for six days, watching two films
a day. The jury will be headed by renowned Hungarian film director
Istvan Szabo.
The 10th Golden Apricot International Film Festival will kick off
on July 7. Charles Aznavour and Artavazd Peleshyan will be special
guests of the festival.
Charles Aznavour, Golden Apricot Film Festival
Alisa Gevorgyan
About 200 films have been selected out of 1,200 applications to be
represented at the 10th Golden Apricot International Film Festival
in Yerevan. Ninety of them will be included in the four competition
programs: Feature, Documentary, Armenian Panorama and the Apricot Stone
(short films).
The feature film program includes 12 movies, including one of Turkish
production. The negotiations with the Turkish side drag out because
of the events taking place in the country.
According to the Programs Director of the Festival Mikael Stamboltsyan,
the feature films jury will work for six days, watching two films
a day. The jury will be headed by renowned Hungarian film director
Istvan Szabo.
The 10th Golden Apricot International Film Festival will kick off
on July 7. Charles Aznavour and Artavazd Peleshyan will be special
guests of the festival.